new 265


I currently have a 75 with a majestic angel, yellow tang, bicolor psuedo, and ocellaris clown. I just set up a 265 gallon tank and would like to transfer my fish over to the bigger tank. The 265 has 500 pounds of southdown and 50 lbs live sand, 150 lbs of live rock(more to be added slowly from my 75, amiracle reef pro filter and a 20 gallon fuge to be started later. When the new tank is ready how slowly should I transfer the lr and fish? I would also like to add a regal and naso tang, tassle filefish, double saddle butterfly and lastly a french angel. What do you guys think of that combo? What type of cleanup crew would you recommend, and at what point should I add it. Thanks!


Thanks for the advice. I had a feeling you would say that about the french angel. Do you think I would have abuse problems with a juvi emperor or juvi french? If you think so I will go with a lemonpeel. I will quarantine the fish. I have a 39 gallon quarantine. Do you think that this is big enough for the naso?