new 29 gallon tank

no pumps.
only cpr2 back pack skimmer
2 power heads
custom sealife pc 65 watts x2 ( 1 daylight, 1 actinic)
I have 30 more pounds of LR coming next week.


Active Member
As a fellow 29 gallon tank owner I must say you are off to a great start :) Love the stand, is that a DIY project?
I see you have a bakpak skimmer, I spent the 20 or so bucks for the pre skimmer and am glad I did. If nothing else it hides that ugly powerhead :p Also, there are a few mods you can do to it. There is an airstone mod to increase the bubble count and a muffle for the air intake so it runs silent. Not sure if you have seen those, but if not I would be happy to go over it with you.
i wish i were that handy... stand and canopy are all-glass manufactured. where do i get the cpr extras? can i order them online?


Active Member
Nope you can do it yourself. Very easy!
For the extra bubbles all you need is an extra pump, some tubing and a limewood airstone. You will just die when you see how much it adds to the skimmer. Basically you just snake the tube down through the effulent side and uder the little divider into the uptake side ( of course with the airstone attached ). Hook up a pump and there you go. There is a diagram floating around somewhere if you need a visual, but I am having a hard time finding it now.
As for the muffle. Just extend the air intake tubing down under the stand and run it into a empty 2 liter bottle with holes drilled in it. It works like a charm. I can take a pic of mine if you need to see it as well.
Found it---


Active Member
I edited my last post with the diagram... click where it says HERE
Here are two pics I just took of the muffle mod.

If you can't duck it.........
do you get any watermovement in front of the rocks since your powerheads are behind the rocks?
Check out mine. I hate looking at the powerheads.


Active Member
do you get any watermovement in front of the rocks since your powerheads are behind the rocks?

I have my powerheads hidden behind the rocks but, there are a couple of tunnels for the water to flow through. Two of my powerheads are located in the lower back corners of the tank angled slighty upwards toward the front glass pointing toward the middle of the tank. My other power head is in the back flowing a good amount of water across the back glass behind the rock and also slightly upward to keep the water rippling well.
~ Good Job so far on that rockwork and tank. Very nice coloration in the rock and I am glad to see someone springing for some nicely colored rock instead of the cheapest thing they see on the net...........or did you just get lucky? Either way......good job and good luck. ~