New 3 Gallon Reef tank


Active Member
im starting a new 3 gallon reef tank. but i dont know what to buy for it. i have a 55 and a 75 gallon but i really have no clue what are good corals or inverts to buy from the 3 gallon. please help me. what will be good corals or anything else to buy. the lighting is 18 watts


Active Member
I almost got a 3 gallon and just bought a bunch of porcelein crabs and sexy shrimp. That'd be awesome.


Active Member
yea i saw. im thinking of getting some of those for myself. but do u think i should get a bigger light for it


Active Member
I have a 1 gal going and just love it....

Clown goby, sexy shrimp, crabs are all good choices.
Say is your 18 watt light the 9" coralife one??
If so how do you like it??


Active Member
well I have some zoas, shrooms, gsp, duster, ric
my current light is the stock 7600K 7 watt that came with this tank
everything is growing and doing very well but i thought this 18 watt with the 10,000k and the actinic would be a better light and show off the corals more


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
I have a 1 gal going and just love it....

Clown goby, sexy shrimp, crabs are all good choices.
Say is your 18 watt light the 9" coralife one??
If so how do you like it??

yes it is. and so far its a great light. i really like it. n lights up good and bright for the little tank.


Active Member
and your tank looks really good. ima post some pics of mine later when i put the corals in it. i was thinking of getting ofcourse zoas, mushrooms, and xenia waving hands.


Active Member
The clown goby is not really that big looking. I think when pictures are taken through plexi glass it magnifies things a bit. He is normal size for a clown.
Thanks for the comments, its alot of fun I quite enjoy it even though it is small.
That is great to know about the light. I was thinking about getting it and then putting my mind to work on making a nice wood case that would hold this light and little tank as a nice show piece.


Active Member
The clown goby just looks huge because it is in such a small tank. thats what we meant. However I did have a clown goby that was the size of an adult clownfish. That thing was freaky.


Active Member
i was thinking of getting a clown goby but i have no lid for my tank. the light is being hold by brackets. do any of you guys know what will be a good fish to buy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
The clown goby is not really that big looking. I think when pictures are taken through plexi glass it magnifies things a bit. He is normal size for a clown.
Thanks for the comments, its alot of fun I quite enjoy it even though it is small.
That is great to know about the light. I was thinking about getting it and then putting my mind to work on making a nice wood case that would hold this light and little tank as a nice show piece.

you should get the light. you will be proud if the lighting. i had a 10 watt before the one the tank brought and its nothing compare to the 18 watt. well right now i just put a piece of rock and it looks really great


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
i was thinking of getting a clown goby but i have no lid for my tank. the light is being hold by brackets. do any of you guys know what will be a good fish to buy?
Clown Gobies. That would be all I would put in one. Hows the weather?


Active Member
i know i would like to but as i said before i have no lid and it mite jump off. well thats what my lfs said. anyway so far its been raining and windy. im here preparig my other tanks just incase the lights go out. i hope they dont though. im worried


Active Member
any fish could jump out. I think a clown goby would be one of the least likely to jump out however. I'd go panda clown goby if you wanted something special. Those are rare.