Hi, i'm new to the board but have been reading and researching for the last month. i just got a 30 gallon tank and stand from a friend and now i want to start an aquarium. i have some questions on what i need. i'm going to buy a protein skimmer.
I want to get a couple of clownfish and a flame angelfish. eventually an anemone for the clowns but i probably cant afford the lighting. i'll have live sand and about 22 lbs of live rock.
i dont think i need a heater cause i live in Texas. i'm not sure what else i need for filtration (undergravel filter?)
is it necessary to get a refractometer or will a hydrometer do fine?
do i need any powerheads or anything for water moverment? it will be FOWLR but i would like to slowly add anomones and coral (or is it bad to do this after the fish are already in the tank?)
any help would be appreciated. thanks
I want to get a couple of clownfish and a flame angelfish. eventually an anemone for the clowns but i probably cant afford the lighting. i'll have live sand and about 22 lbs of live rock.
i dont think i need a heater cause i live in Texas. i'm not sure what else i need for filtration (undergravel filter?)
is it necessary to get a refractometer or will a hydrometer do fine?
do i need any powerheads or anything for water moverment? it will be FOWLR but i would like to slowly add anomones and coral (or is it bad to do this after the fish are already in the tank?)
any help would be appreciated. thanks