New 300 Gal Agressive Pics


Active Member
just thought i would share some new pictures with everyone

almost the whole gang in one shot



Looks great! Kind of reminds me of what my 300 gallon (tall) is going to look like, I am going to have a secondary aquarium under the tank for my snowflake eel that will be visable through the stand.


Active Member
are you running carbon ?? just a suggestion it might clear up and polish the water a bit... good job.


Originally Posted by coachKLM
are you running carbon ?? just a suggestion it might clear up and polish the water a bit... good job.
Nice living room I'm in awe (or something kind of like that) ***) ***)


Active Member
thanks for all the compliments, there are pics of my 75 gallon tank in the reef section.
Gexkko Those fish seem to enjoy posing for your pictures :)
they follow me around because they think im going to feed them so its easyt o take their pics!
king4345 Orange toad would look good in there...
hey i emailed you bout him about 2 weeks agoa nd you didnt reply i was wondering if ic an get info on them and learn a bit about them??
coachKLM are you running carbon ?? just a suggestion it might clear up and polish the water a bit... good job.
ive had my carbon disconnected for awhiel now, but one of the reasons the water looks a bit grim is due to all the algae i scraped off of my glass today due to my halide/tapwater combo(that i since took off, and also bought an rodi unit) but i will connect it againa nd see if it helps thanks for the suggestion!
Nice living room I'm in awe (or something kind of like that)
thats actually my basement with the two tanks, a full bar, recliners, couches etc. i dont evan know if my living room would hold that kind of weight!
once again thanks for all the compliments guys/gals!!


psusocr1 - nice tank and good picture, large tanks are not easy to get good pictures of.
A few sump questions.....
What size sump it that and how do you like the size?
Is the sump glass or acrylic?


Active Member
thanks for all the kind words once again
V-Lioness, What size sump it that and how do you like the size?
im actually runnign a 55 gallon refugium( which is visible) and a seperate 45 gallon sump
(has my heater, pump, skimmer etc.), they are both connected via overflow system.
honestly i love the setup, TurningTim and squidd help me design it and it works FLAWLESSLY, perectly calculated for backwash etc. etc.
Is the sump glass or acrylic?
the main tank is acrylic and the 45 gallon sump and 55 gallon refugium are both glass.. I chose glasss for these two tanks because its ALOT easier to clean glass and not worry about scratching it. HOWEVER i wasnt going to ordera 300 gallon main tank made out of glass becaue of shipping cost and trying to carry it into my basement would not have been fun!
Mr. Guitar That tank is awesome!!! Nice stingray!
thanks, their is actually a male and a female stingray in there together if you look close enough


Active Member
I dont know how if forgot my shark but here he is,, i had to wait till he came out of his cave to take some shots of him.. Hes getting VERY Big And VERY Agressive quick, hes about 18" now



Active Member
COWFISHRULE nice set up.with 2 tanks, what does all that humidity do to your drop ceiling?
honestly it doesnt effect anythign , i have a pretty good dehumidifier running in my basement 24/7 so it sucks ALOT of moisture out of the air, this is probably why nothign is effected


I was thinking of adding 2 - 75g tanks under my 300 (acrylic also) and connecting them, but I think I am going to add 125-135g glass tank instead. I want 6 foot but a 150 is to tall, so I have been torn between the two set ups for a few weeks now. I want to drop my bird Wrasses down, that's why I am leaning more towards the 6 foot length. I have acrylic for my sump and refug right now but prefer glass also.........