New 300 Gal Agressive Pics


Active Member
ya i actually like the sperate tanks because then the equpitment doesnt interfere with anythign in my refugium, also the heat from my pumps arent directly transfered as well..
its gives me alot of options to put all my coral frags down there, alogn with problem fish, or just something i cant keep in either of my tanks
and also its not that you will have problems wiuth the acrylic sump and fuge, but they do get dirty quick and i prefer to just mag-float them its easya nd quick! whereas acrylic we all knwo how big of a pain it is to clean them!!


is that hippo tang a yellow belly hippo tang i see a yellow tint on its under side :thinking:


Active Member
i dont really know if there is such a thing as a yellow belly hippo tang but he ha sa little bit of yellow to his belly yes.. but he is also every bit of 7-8 inches from nose to tail so maybe with age he got that color. his colors are very bold and vivid


Active Member
Nice set up, your Sailfin looks great. Is that a maroon clownfish in the pic with your shark? I am about to add a lion to my tank, and I am a bit concerned about whether or not my maroon will become lunch.


Active Member
thats a gold striped maroon clown. my volitan lion is HUGE actually the biggest one i ever saw in my life except for at an aquarium , but on the other hand my maroon clown is about 4.5" inches and MEAN
when i first got my lion he would stalk my clown but the clown fish outsmarts him or chases him away .. now he just leaves him alone becasue he knows its easier to take food out of my hand than chase my clown around
BUT if you dont have a very large clown or any fish for that matter that will fit in the lions mouth(which opens gigantc) then he will be an easy snack for the lion so just get the lion based on the size of your clownfish so they can each grow together size wise

i love lions, they have amazing personallity's! thats why i have two!! you will enjoy your sas well

mr. guitar

Just noticed the other stingray. They are awesome. That's nice shark too. What kind is it? Sorry if that sounds like a stupid question...I don't know much about agressive fish. Thanks!


Active Member
its actually a grey bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium griseum)
unlike the other banded cat sharks the grey bamboo only reaches a max length of 28 inches


thats crazy a clown with a shark... has the shark gotten hungry? haah
also does the shark come out other than at night?


Active Member
hes not "just" a clown beleive me,, hes the meanest one in my tank by far! and hes also gigantic for a clownfish.
the shark will indeed come out for a swim during th e day but only to move from once cave to the other cave if he wants to change scenery, but at night hes very very active.
i also feed my shark around 5-7 oclock every 2 days so once any type of food hits the water hes out swimmign around going crazy looking for his meal!!


what doyou normally feed him
ddi you try breeding silversides?
(not sure if thats been done in captivity)


Active Member
no i never have, i feed him large swilversides, shrimp, krill, octo basically anythign thaty goes in the tank he eats and eats lieke a pig!


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
the main tank is acrylic and the 45 gallon sump and 55 gallon refugium are both glass.. I chose glasss for these two tanks because its ALOT easier to clean glass and not worry about scratching it. HOWEVER i wasnt going to ordera 300 gallon main tank made out of glass becaue of shipping cost and trying to carry it into my basement would not have been fun!
I am curious where you got your large tank? Have you had any problems with scratches since you have had it set up :notsure:


Active Member
wonderfull stank trully stunning,
if i were to get a baby stingray for my 125 w how long would you say i have till i need bigger and better


Active Member
I am also curious what type of shark is in the photo. How long have you had him? How big will he get? Has he gone after any of the other fish in you aquarium? :notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
I am curious where you got your large tank? Have you had any problems with scratches since you have had it set up
out of respect for the site iw ont post the place but you could email me at
and yes i hate acrylic i have scratches but hairline, nothign evan noticable only to me sinc e i create them, you would REALLY have to look to find them. the only plus to acrylic is weight theyt are very light other than that i hate them!
if i were to get a baby stingray for my 125 w how long would you say i have till i need bigger and better
really depends on the species but if you feed him properly i would say about 6-8 months probably not evan that long though and thats ONLY if you have almost NO rock in there because he would really need the swimmig room. and if its under 6 feet i wouldnt evan try it
I am also curious what type of shark is in the photo

Grey bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium griseum) the smallest of the bamboo shark species they only get 28 inches
How long have you had him?
ive had him probably a little under a year maybe, i cant really remeber but it seems like forever,, he got HUGE QUICK..he about 18" now
Has he gone after any of the other fish in you aquarium?
although my shark is large my tangs are very large as well.. he hides 75% of the day in his caves and swims alot at night. During feeding if id ont feed him ALOT first he will bite all of my other fish and rays looking for food as his eyesight is pretty poor(had to learn the hard way) basically the older he gets the bolder he gets
thankfully my shark and rays never ever evan tried ot eat and crabs or snails in my tank, they just leave them alone!