New 300 Gallon, help me

trigga fish

New Member
I have a 300 with:
Emperor Snapper
Emperor Angel
Lunar Wrasse
Clown Trigger
Clown Sturgeon
I also have about 30 common hermit crabs ranging from about 2" to about 6"...really help to keep the tank clean. Haven't had any problems with them. The clown trigger gets a leg or two every now and then, but all have been doing well for about a year now.
The snapper and angel are about 11" or so and the snapper is still growing like a weed.
Since you have an Emperor Snapper, make sure you allow for his huge appetite. He's fast, only the Lunar Wrasse can get food from him, and will eat until his belly is full. The only caution is that he'll want to eat everything and not leave anything for the less aggressive fish.
One way around this is to get something that likes flakes or veggie type foods, since the snapper perfers meaty foods.

trigga fish

New Member's now living in salt water and doing fine...took him a while to adjust though. I'm sure I'll have to upgrade my 300 when he outgrows it...he's only about 3' now.
That filtration angle you "threw out there" sounds good. Maybe I'll upgrade my sponge filter when I get a bigger tank.
But really. was a typo.
The clown sUrgeon (sometimes called tangs) came with the 300. He's been in there for over two and a half years now.
If that fish is what you call ugly, I don't see it that way.
Here's a really poor pic.
Don't get confused. This is an extremely fast fish that can hold it's own in my tank. He even sometimes picks on the trigger (he's only been in the tank for about 18 months).