New 36 gallon bow front.

I told my wife that the tank is going to sit there for a couple of weeks empty while the tank cycles. With live rock that's at my LFS. They have nice stuff there. Like I think the Fiji red LR. Gorgeous stuff.


Active Member
Glad I stopped by found this thread very handy due to old saying In the same Boat Waiting on the same sponge filter from amazon to put in sump for my QT have some rubble rock curing there also since I started my tank so some of that goes w/sponge filter. I just have one problem. ..haven't decided on the fish I want to add, three Banggai Cardinals, yellow head jawfish or a sandsifting goby......currently have 2 ocellaris clowns and a female black molly 3 hermits and about 20 or so assorted snails in a 55g. Looking for a fish that moves has a personality so I think the banggais might not be a good choice , do want to keep a docile tank but looking for that display fish.


Well-Known Member
More area for bacteria to colonize. If we didn't have to worry about treatments in the qt you could use cured live rock and get the same results. Issue with lr tho is most treatment will kill the critters living on the rock. So the sponge essentially just has bacteria on it.


Well-Known Member
Glad I stopped by found this thread very handy due to old saying In the same Boat Waiting on the same sponge filter from amazon to put in sump for my QT have some rubble rock curing there also since I started my tank so some of that goes w/sponge filter. I just have one problem. ..haven't decided on the fish I want to add, three Banggai Cardinals, yellow head jawfish or a sandsifting goby......currently have 2 ocellaris clowns and a female black molly 3 hermits and about 20 or so assorted snails in a 55g. Looking for a fish that moves has a personality so I think the banggais might not be a good choice , do want to keep a docile tank but looking for that display fish.
In a bare bottom qt it can be tough keeping sand sifters. Just a thought


Active Member
Was wanting a Foxface but tank size resricts me , was thinking of small one and trading it back if it out grew my tank. Yeah the sandsifters would have to be eating processed foods at time of purchase. I've had these fish for 3 months now thinking it's time for them to have a friend or two
My wife would kill me if I did that lol. In this little apt. Already have 2 freshwater tanks. When we buy a house she gave me permission to do a 125 or better tank. Plus some other small ones


Well-Known Member
Lol i want to get rid of my 29. Those fish are going in my 75. The 75 fish in my 220. It really sucks that you can't mix clowns. I love my maroon, but they don't play well with eachother let alone diff clowns lol


Well-Known Member
And my wife is ready to kill me lol why did you get this big tank if you have nothing in it. I though u were taking one down lol. I want to add all my fish at once. Since there are so tangs to help with aggression issues. So iam waiting for my qt time to do that.
I've heard that about maroons. Which is why I'm staying away from them. Gonna do your normal everyday clowns. Since I think those are the prettiest. I'd like to do some of the high white clowns but don't know how well they would mix with the normal ones.


Well-Known Member
With other fish she is fine. As far as mixing. Stick with the same species , color shouldn't matter.