New 4 gallon, with pics!!


you could definitely keep more than just shrooms if you upgraded to a 13 watt bulb. Your not going to be able to keep SPS but zoos, rics, shrooms, and a handful of LPS will survive no problem.
If you wanted to broaden the possibilities even more there is a bunch of companies out there focusing much of there energy on the nano crowd. Both CurrentUSA and Coralife have 12" fixures with 2 18w 50/50's. That's allot of BANG for a little tank and might be a route you should look into. Of course you'd have to take the top off but that will only help in cooling, oxygen exchange, and most importantly it looks cool! Hope this helps.


no LPS will not survive in a 4 gallon under 13 watts of light.maybe some zoos will and some anemone


Nothing new, I got my clown, 2 hermets and a snail in there. All the little feather dusters on that live rock I got have died. I don't know if the hermets ate them or what. Everything has been going pretty good, the clown is cute as always!


you could try some filter feeding inverts if you do not want to deeal with the photosynthetic ones. You could try other feather dusterse there are some really nice colors, everything from lime green - to hot pink. Or you could try a sun coral or if u wanted an anemone you could do a small tube anemone you would just have to make sure its tentacles are not near any other coral.


Here's a new pic of my nano, I took out the big ugly chunk of coral skeleton, and added the blue coral. little featherdusters that were on my LR are all gone now! Did my hermets eat them? My water levels were good, my nitrates were very low too.
