new 4" sandbed


I just went to my LFS and got 100 pounds of sand which is about a 3" sandbed I also asked the guy about putting a piccaso and a snowflake eel in and he said no they shouldnt go together. So now im stuck on what fish I can get any Ideas im looking to start the tank soon im gonna eventually put lr and some anemones and coral so.........What fish should I get I was gonna look into getting some clowns and damsels how many can I fit in my 75?:confused:


It is my understanding that you get an inch of fish per every 5 gallons of tank. I have a 75 with 6 small fish in it now and I plan to go up to about 9.


I think a snowflake and a trigger would be fine together,but if you are going to get corals and anenomes then they would not be a good idea


after rereading your post I assume the tank is not cycled,in that case I would wait a week and add only the damsels(down the road you might wish you didnt because they are fast and obnoxius to future tankmates)then after at least 4 weeks or when tank is cycled add the clowns