New 50 Gallon Tank


I just moved from Seattle to Denver and just got my tank set up. I've never posted pics before so hopefully this works. Any advice is more then appreciated.
I am thinking of going Bare Bottom instead of using Live Sand. I had Live Sand in Seattle but kinda of thought it did more harm then good. I had about a 3inch DSB before.
It has only been up for a few days and no fish yet.
BTW, I received 50 pounds of Live Rock from this site yesterday and was very pleased.
Love the board...RavennReef



Active Member
Originally Posted by RavennReef
I just moved from Seattle to Denver and just got my tank set up. I've never posted pics before so hopefully this works. Any advice is more then appreciated.
I am thinking of going Bare Bottom instead of using Live Sand. I had Live Sand in Seattle but kinda of thought it did more harm then good. I had about a 3inch DSB before.
It has only been up for a few days and no fish yet.
BTW, I received 50 pounds of Live Rock from this site yesterday and was very pleased.
Love the board...RavennReef
Is your refugium filled to the brim? EEEEKS?


Hey grumpygils, it looks like the reflection on the lid of the refug.
Nice tank RaveenReef, keep us posted. I haven't seen anyone do a bare bottom in a while.
Just out of curiosity, what sort of problems did you have? Sure they because of the sand?


It is probably around 100 pounds. Maybe more. The other's I brought with me from seattle. It's not all the way to the brim....I guess I'll have to watch it. thanks for the relpy's


I had a breakout of hair algae and high nitrates. It also did not look healthy. When I moved the old sand had a ton of decay in it. Smelled really bad. One of my friends has a reef that is BB and love's it. So I figured I'd give it a try. Bad idea? I was thinking I might put a little sand but for looks only.


lovin you tank man,that would be bad ass to have about half of it sand and half bare bottom.lots of good possibilities there!Good job man!