
New Member
hey guys, so after 3-4 years out of the game i am back! my last attempt was pulled down due to lack of info/research and being a youngster i was keen to buy everything i could get my hands on and not take advice, i would like to think i am now much wiser and have learnt from my previous mistakes and can build a strong flourishing reef :) so here is my tank with custom fuge/filtration in rear chambers, just started the cycling process now to play the waiting game..... adding more live rock in couple of days time. i have also purchased a decent LED fixture which works well over the back covering the main display and fuge.... thoughts on running lighting during cycle????


mr. limpid

Active Member
First of I would get rid of that media in the sump it will trap a lot junk and will be hard to clean which will cause nitrates. I would use Bio balls (still trap junk) but easier to get out to clean or LR. You are planing to add a skimmer correct? That light looks like it has 4 bulbs, what wattage are they? Welcome back.


New Member
Hey guys, to be honest I'm not to sure on the wattage of the LEDs I'm heading back to my lfs during the week and will find out, all I know is they are very bright. I have also filled the sump with live rock aswell to help with the filtration. Just putting together a list of fish I want here is what I have so far
- 2 ocellaris clowns
- royal dottyback
- undecided last fish???? Any suggestions
- pep shrimp and clean up crew
How does that sound

mr. limpid

Active Member
Why does everyone want 2 clowns, I have two because I always had just one and wanted to see the pair relationship. And now I wish I had one, don't have the heart to separate them..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/392114/new-50l-14-gal-reef-nano#post_3480401
Why does everyone want 2 clowns, I have two because I always had just one and wanted to see the pair relationship. And now I wish I had one, don't have the heart to separate them..
mine were a pair. Wild caught and they seemed to really like eachother. So...... ya, thats why I have 2.
teaching them to eat frozen was time consuming but once one figured it out it taught the other.


New Member
yeh just like the idea of having a pair of clowns dont really no why hahaha.................... just a quick question on the lights can anyone give me some specs to look out for in the leds i want to be able to keep most corals, the tank is 35cm wide and 50cm tall


New Member
so i have done abit of research and found some info on my lights........ this is the description can anyone tell me if they are any good??? thanks heapss
CRE LED 4x3W White & Actinic Aquarium Light
This is the latest design in LED Lighting. Made to last the CRE LED Aquathrive aquarium lighting unit will clamp onto the side of your tank to give you that stylish look.

This light is only 2cms thick and the leg can be removed to sit under hoods. The unit comes complete with a dimmer function that will allow you to dim the unit to suit your needs. The Dimmer is build into a touch pad that also allows you to switch the unit on and off with a simple touch.

  • 4x3W CRE LED

  • Dimmer Funtion Touch Pad

  • Black Finish

  • Leg Removable

  • 26cms Long (Inc Leg)
    6cms Wide
    2cms High
    Marine Spectrum(White & Blue LEDs)
    1 Year Warranty

mr. limpid

Active Member
well the creed are a good brand and 3w is good for any coral. The only thing left is the par reading of this fixture you need about 400+ to keep SPS.


New Member
Ohh ok but the more common pieces like zoas,mushrooms,xenia, star and anemones should do well.under this fixture?

mr. limpid

Active Member
anemones need as strong as light as SPS, I don't believe a 14 gal tank is big enough for a anemone and other fish. The anemone will take over the entire tank and eat any fish other than clowns.