New 55 cleaner crew Q


Active Member
I just set up my 55, adding LR very soon. At what point should I add a cleaner crew and how many? I see the packages sold here on SWF and the smallest is 60 total hermits and 2 Emeralds. Is this too much to start with?


Active Member
Add your clean up crew once all your numbers (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite) are stable--ammonia and nitrite should be zero, and nitrate low. Essentially, hold off until the tank has finished cycling. I think that might be a bit much to start with. I always recommend people tailoring their clean up crew to the specific problems their tank has--each snail/crab is good for a different type of problem. I would add things as problems arise to combat--and I always recommend steering clear of emeralds unless it's a last resort on bubble algae. Some people have very good luck with them, some of us have had bad luck, I'd never say absolutely don't get one, but adding 2 at the beginning when you don't even know if you need them to me seems unnecessary. Do a search of this forum, there have been a lot of good posts on suggestions for clean up crews as well as one thread a while back detailing each type of snail common in aquaria with the low down on their pros and cons. Just found it--I've bumped it for you, it's in the Reef Tanks forum by kipass entitled 'my take on various snails'


Active Member
hey, i just edited my post same time you posted so i wanted to make sure you saw that i've bumped the thread for you, in reef tanks entitled my take on various snails by kipass--it's really a great thread!



Originally posted by leigh
and I always recommend steering clear of emeralds

I was just curious as to why? What sort of problems to people have with them. I have 2 emeralds in my 55 with LR & LS and they are great fun to watch. They are very active and IMO very fun to watch. I also have 3 regular hermits, 6 blue leg, 1 arrow, and 3 snails.


Active Member
Curtis, I think it's really just a luck thing. Some people have problems with them eating anything green, including polyps. A few times (in rare occasions) folks have accused them of killing fish. (I'm still not convinced those few times it wasn't an already ailing fish). Some people get them and they won't even sniff bubble algae. The one I had only wanted to eat my bubble coral--didn't touch the bubble algae. But, some folks like you seem to have great luck with them. That's why I don't say anything absolute about never getting them. They certainly have a purpose and people who get ones that serve that purpose are luckier than I :p So if you have some and they're good, by all means keep them! It's just a risk that I don't recommend to people who don't already have one unless they actually need it (ie to fix a severe bubble algae problem).


Active Member
I had this guy for about 5 months - don't know what he died of. Ate well - flaked food anyways, and he picked at the LR.


I must say, that is the nicest looking Emrald I have ever seen. Mine never seem to get that green, mine are a tad on the drab side.