new 55 Gal - NEED ADVICE


New Member
So here is my tank, 55 gallons, i set it up this afternoon and I def need more live rock, everyone give me some ideas id love to hear what i need now, im a NEW-B and id love some advice.



New Member
I just ordered 44 more pounds of LR, just some basic starter helper points, some advice, alil of everything, im pumped and ready to enjoy my new hobby


Active Member
You are going to need some powerheads, you need surface movement of the water. Are you using RO/DI water or tap? Do you understand how the cycle works? Do you have a heater? You are going to need a protein skimmer if you don't already have one.


well your on your way! that is a start. just a suggestion get a blue or black background and put on. it will make a big diffrence. overall just add some more live rock and get the cycle going by adding a couple dead shrimp and wait it out!!!


New Member
I have a Fluval 304 filtering the water and creating movement, to start do i still need some power heads?!?! I already have a heater just not plugged in yet also.


New Member
yea i have 44lbs on order, plus the 25 in there, thats about 70 lbs to start with, should be decent for now, so after i have the rock on, whats should be the next major step, sit and wait... LOL


Active Member
Put your heater in the tank and plug in. Drop in a raw shrimp to start your cycle unless your LR already started it. Do you have a test kit?
I would still add a powerhead to help with surface movement. If you have the money get 2 small powerheads and put one on each side of your tank at different heights. You need to have good watermovement in your tank to prevent dead spots from forming.
Once your cycle has started just sit back and wait. Make sure you test ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate every couple of days.


Active Member
Looking good so far. You might want to consider placing the rock directly on the bottom of the tank. Just wiggle each of the rocks into the sand until its touching the bottom. This will give you 2 added benefits: (1) you will not have to worry about rockwork falling due to something burrowing into the sand under the rock and (2) by duing this you get an instant boost in the depth of your sandbed.


New Member
I'm also very new.. but I read that you don't want to have tanks in front of windows.. what is the reasoning behind this.. and will this person's be ok where it is at? should he foil the window or anything if he keeps it there?
Just some random noob thoughts :)


Active Member
But a backround on it. Are you going reef or fish only? Get the cycle going. the can filter won't be enough flow, FO tank needs about 10x+ water movement. Add a couple of small power heads you'll be good. Looks nice
Good Work!
Read, Read, and then Read some more!


You generally don't want a tank near a window because it causes algae to grow and heats up the tank. If he keeps it closed it should be fine though.
You may want to consider building a canopy if you are going for a reef tank.


Originally Posted by TurningTim
... the can filter won't be enough flow, FO tank needs about 10x+ water movement. Add a couple of small power heads you'll be good. Looks nice
It is my understanding that a FO tank needs 4x and a reef tank needs 10x...


Active Member
10x FOWLER and softy reef, 20x LPS, 30x SPS
These are just numbers to shoot for and are up for opinion.
10x on a 55 is only 550gph not that much. IMHO 4x is just not enough for any type of effective filtration......


New Member
I have one power head alogn with the filter in there now, with 2 more on the way, the 2 on the way are smaller so ill use those 2 and the filter, shoudl i still put a shrimp in to start the cycle, or just let the rock do it on its own?