New 55 Gallon Reef Tank!!!!


you sure i should place it higher up... it seems to be doing really well where its at??? is it not supposed to shrink up when the lights go off then stretch back out when the lights turn on???


ok tell me if this looks ok... im so paranoid about losing my first corals that i cant help but ask if thier ok... this is a pic of my leather its starting to stretch out towards the glass of my tank.... is it ok if its stretching side ways and not up??? OH and mikeyjer i love those mushrooms....


My finger did the first thing when I got him. I had o find a place that he liked and then is was fine. He is starting to grow new sprouts like crazy now. I think it might be a flow issue.


sorry i dont really understand what you said thier??? you think my flow might be pushing it down a little bit???


hahah sorry, yea it probbaly has to much flow on it or not enough. Its hard to say because I don't know how you have it set up. I would try moving it around a little and watch it. IMO they recover really really quickly when they are happy.


ok whats the chances its going to die on me??? ive moved it higher and in a little less flowing area... my set up is a 600gph powerhead on each side of my tank and then my pump back up from my sump...


I don't think its a latter of turnover rate, its more a matter of flow/current that the finger is getting.
Chances of losing it... thats unknown, its not like it is bad now. I would just keep an eye on it
What are you feeding it?


bump... should i be feeding it anything??? and are the mushrooms supposed to bloom out all the way every day or will the bloom more on certain days??? because they havent bloomed out to much the last 2 days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
bump... should i be feeding it anything??? and are the mushrooms supposed to bloom out all the way every day or will the bloom more on certain days??? because they havent bloomed out to much the last 2 days.
You don't need to feed it anything except to keep your Alkaline, Calcium, and PH in check! It's still adjusting, it may take awhile for it to fully adjust.... :happyfish


i got another question ive been reading some post's on corals and im lost in some of the lingo... what does sps and lps and all that mean... can someone catch me up on some reef lingo...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
i got another question ive been reading some post's on corals and im lost in some of the lingo... what does sps and lps and all that mean... can someone catch me up on some reef lingo...
SPS = Small Polyp Stony (ex. Montipora, Digi tata, Millipora, Pocilliopora, etc.)
LPS = Large Polyp Stony (ex. Frogspawn, Hammer Coral, Plate Coral, Bubble Coral, etc.)


ok thanks mike... and i think my leather likes where its at but not for sure heres a pic of it... its leaning side ways but from the base of the leather it seems like its actually going straight out... should it be like this or should it be pointing up???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
ok thanks mike... and i think my leather likes where its at but not for sure heres a pic of it... its leaning side ways but from the base of the leather it seems like its actually going straight out... should it be like this or should it be pointing up???
It should be pointing upwards, that means it's in a high flow area, try to pick a spot for it where it's in a medium flow area. :happyfish


ok im having a really hard time finding a place for it ??? i have pc lighting so is it ok if its at the bottom??? and i have a mag drive 700 for my return pump in the center of my tank then i have a 600gph ph on each side of my tank so it seems like no matter where i put it its getting to much flow??? what should i do...
thanks for all your help mikeyjer


ok ive moved it into the sand and i wont be able to tell about the flow for a few more minutes or hours but it seems to be ok for now,,, i just need to know if its gunna get enough light being on the sand bed with pc lighting...


Everything looks good. Leathers and shrooms are tough. You would have to mess up really bad to kill either. I used to keep sps in my 55 but downgraded to keep softies. I purchased my corals about a year and a half ago and not one of them was over 4 inches high. Now look at them. I cut them in the tank and stick em under a rock and they just GROW! Your nervous because you dont know how they behave. Youll be fine.
