I would like to hear some honest opinions on my newly established saltwater tank (6 months). It is the first time that I set up a saltwater tank and honestly its such a blast! I am new to the hobby and do not know much about coral, so if someone could evaluate the health of my polyp I would greatly appreciate it.
- Emperor 400 Filter
- CPR Dual Bak Pak Protein Skimmer
- 9 Watt Turbo Twist UV Sterilizer
- 2 Koralia II Powerheads
- Standard All-Glass Hoods w/ Zoo Med Ocean Sun 10,000K Lamps
Live Stock:
- Porcupine Puffer
Sleeper Banded Goby
Turbo Snails
Blue Leg Hermits
Horseshoe Crab
Sand Sifting Starfish