new 55 setup



Hello all,
I am starting a 55 fowlr and I wanted to know if a humu trigger, niger triger, dwarf lion, foxface and small eel would all be okay and get along in the tank. I plan on running the regular florescent lights that came with the tank and using an Emperor 400 for filtation along with a standard 200W heater. Please let me know any suggestions you all might have.


Active Member
Everything seems OK, equipment wise, but I would deffinately swap the 400 for maybe 2 AquaClear 300's. I have used Emporers in the past with less than positive results. Good Luck!!!


gasguzzler......I bought the tank from wal-mart as a complete setup so I will be using the emperor 400 as the primary filter(because it has a biowheel) and the one that came with the tank (regent I think) as just another filter on the other side of the tank....Thanks!:)


how big do snowflake eels get and would I have to keep the entire top covered to prevent escape?


Active Member
I have a 2 foot Zebra Moray. Its pretty entertaining when its feeding time. He shakes that feeding stick right out of my hand!!! Your options for a 55 are great. Most eels readily available will adapt quite well. I think a Tessy would be too about a Chainlink?


yes. definately cover the top of your aquarium. i lost a sfe through my heater hole :(. i too would lose one of the triggers. i have a 3" niger, 2 1/2" dwarf in a 55 and they get along great. also in the take is 2 clarkii clowns.


New Member
Niger Triggers get pretty big. They might be a little cramped in a 55 gallon tank. Triggers, Lions, and Eels are all carnivores thus releasing a lot of waste. I don't think a biowheel is the best way to go unless you are willing to do weekly water changes. For a fish only tank, any lighting should be ok. If you decide to get the Lion, make sure that is the first fish inside the tank because most have a difficult time feeding, especially if you have a trigger in the same tank. They are pretty fast swimmers! Hope that helps :)


in my 55 i have a hummu a sfe eel and a convict tang and that is eat except inverts i wouldn't go much more with fish i plan on upgrading in the future as long as everything goes well i have my lids on with all the filters on the back 2 aqua clear 300 and a prizm skimmer and hearter no eel problems but lots of live rock with hiding places keeps eels on the bottom


Active Member
I put only 60 lbs of rock in my 125 to make a hiding spot for the bamboos. When the eel was definately in the future, I took out the largest rock and chiseled a few caves in it and then smoothed it with crankshaft honing paper. It worked like a dream.