go snowflake eel panther grouper maybe a blue niger or tiger niger thats what I want to put in my fish only tank I would only put a tang in as a food source
Your a tang killer Snow flake person Oh yeah them buy them both Yellow and blue hippo tang do fine together i have 4 different tangs yellow, purple, powder blue, and blue hippo tang and they all do fine
i would wait a little while before u go puttin a mandarin in there and if u plan to i would get more live rock in their first. clowns and watchman goby. there my choices. maybe a 6 line wasse. i have hippo and yellow tang their good for the algae, good luck
lineup so far
1 hippo tang
1yellow tang
1 Mandarin (after i get 50-60 more lb of live rock)
3percula clows (detoothed )
1 anemonne
tons of coral that would take to long to say
yellow polyps
Originally posted by ILuvMeTang
lineup so far
1 hippo tang
1yellow tang
1 Mandarin (after i get 50-60 more lb of live rock)
3percula clows (detoothed )
1 anemonne
tons of coral that would take to long to say
yellow polyps
Are you serious about putting these into a 55?
Gotcha! Its nice that you have a larger tank to move them to so you can enjoy the tangs while they are smaller, but give them a good home later.
I'd also reconsider getting 3 clowns. They will probably fight and you'll end up with only a pair.
As for the mandarin . . . I'd make sure you have at least 100 pounds of live rock and the tank has been running for at least 6 months, preferably longer. You could shorten that time if you have a refugium set up to help with raising food (copopods).