I'm getting a new 55g tank (I know... I should get a 75, but the price is right). I had in mind to put down a undergravel filter covered with cheeze cloth and remove the pump. This would act as a plenum. Then add two power heads (not sure the size or brand I would appreciate some advice on this). I would add a heater, prizm protien skimmer, 4inches of ls, and about 60 lbs of lr to start I think I will add more as time goes on.
Are there any recommendations beyond that. I'm planning on this being mostly a coral/invert setup, with at most 3 fish (flame angel, manderine goby, and maybe a hippo tang).
What would be the advantages of a sump on this system. I don't have much expereince with sumps, should this be a consideration.
Are there any recommendations beyond that. I'm planning on this being mostly a coral/invert setup, with at most 3 fish (flame angel, manderine goby, and maybe a hippo tang).
What would be the advantages of a sump on this system. I don't have much expereince with sumps, should this be a consideration.