New 55g setup


I'm getting a new 55g tank (I know... I should get a 75, but the price is right). I had in mind to put down a undergravel filter covered with cheeze cloth and remove the pump. This would act as a plenum. Then add two power heads (not sure the size or brand I would appreciate some advice on this). I would add a heater, prizm protien skimmer, 4inches of ls, and about 60 lbs of lr to start I think I will add more as time goes on.
Are there any recommendations beyond that. I'm planning on this being mostly a coral/invert setup, with at most 3 fish (flame angel, manderine goby, and maybe a hippo tang).
What would be the advantages of a sump on this system. I don't have much expereince with sumps, should this be a consideration.


I would skip the plennum idea and just do a DSB as they are easier and very effective. You didn't mention lights what do you have or are planning to get? As for the fish the flame angel and mandarine are OK but not for a minimum of six months after set up and a year would be better as they both need a well established mature tank. The hippo is too big a fish for your tank so either choose something else or buy a small one and expect to trade it back at some point (they also are ich magnets so get a cleaner shrimp or two) when it outgrows your tank.


I was planning on a cleaner shrimp. Probably 50 blue legs 20 turbos, a pair of serpent stars, the lights are coming with the tank an there is 48" actinic 2 full spectrum 48" bulbs and a red spectrum 48 " bulb.
Do you have any ideas about the size power heads?
And why do say ditch the idea of the plenum this will help reduce nitrates.


I knew I needed to wait on the manderin goby, but I didn't realize about the flame angel. Do they require some special food?
I realize that hippo's are ich magnets, and most people recomend at least a 90 gal. This is why I haven't made up my mind on a hippo.