New 55g with beginner questions


New Member
As I have always been facinated with large tanks, I decided to go ahead and enter the arena of owning one. I had the opportunity to get a 55g tank from a friend who upgraded to a giant hex tank.
Question 1:
There is currently gravel (came with the tank) that has been kept alive. I went ahead and filled the tank and have the sp at 1.022. I am still in the process of acquiring the pH, N-ate, N-ite testers. Before I go way too far, I would like to consider a CC or white sand bed. I find it cleaner looking, but for overall benefit, I just don't know (but am reading lots). :) Probably the first question to me would be what I want in the tank. Well, I have figured about 50# LR with some tangs, triggers, angels, percs, and what-not. If there are any recommendations... BRING EM ON!!! I want unique colorful fish. So, back to the bed... how would I approach a replacement? Dump it out the window? Or, should I keep the gravel? See? I don't know what's best yet. Help?!?!
Thanks for tolerating a beginner.


New Member
As far as the filtration system, I was looking at the emperor 400. Would that suit my needs sufficiently? I already have a pair of 402's moving the water.


Re: Triggers
If you don't mind feeding them 30$ fish, don't get them. They're feisty little critters that grow quite large. I've got two that'll eat anything but themselves and each other.
Re: Tangs
Not in a 55g, they also grow large and love more swimming room (or so I read here, I don't have one)
And yes, ditch the gravel. It was the thing awhile back, and can be used, but new info puts them, as you wanted to know, out the window.
You're off to one of the best starts, though, asking questions on this board!!!:p


Oh, and yes, the Emperor will suffice for mechanical filtration, and definately consider adding a quality (read 100+$) protein skimmer. Don't forget the one or two powerheads, rated at about 600-900 gallons per hour.

sinner's girl

we have a 55gl.
"some tangs, triggers, angels, percs" one tang max, if it's small but I'm against even that. they really like swimmng room.
I think 55gl is too small for trigger, they do get quite big...we had one for a few days in the 75gl.
i'm clueless on angel, but percs will do great in a 55gl.
start the cycle with lr, ls dead shrimp or even fish food. please do not use live fish, as they don't alway live through the cycle.
figure out what fish you want, then see if you can have those fish. some fish don't get along with other fish, and some fish need a mature tank to do well.
once the cycle is done, add fish slowly. also, think about what inverts you may want. the u-build it packages are great from, that what we started our 55gl with.
50# LR sound good to start with.
if in doubt ask,