new 58 gallon oceanic tank question


I recently, about 4 months to be exact, started getting into saltwater tanks and had a 20 gallon reef tank running smoothly. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to upgrade to a 58 gallon so I could have a little more options as far as fish,etc. I'm also finding that this is going to be a lot more complicated than my 20g with just a protein skimmer. Now with this tank I find that there is a ton more evaporation because the water sump gets low within like 2 days. When i refill it, not for the monthly water change, but just to top it off are my suppose to make salt water each time or can I just use regular water? and also what is the most affordable water I can use? thanks-

mandarin w

When you top off your tank just use fresh RO water.
Salt does not evaporate. So on your 58 gallon tank, water will evaporate. rising the salt level in your water. You use fresh water to bring the salt level back down to what it was. The best water to use on your tank is RO/DI (reverse osmosis) water.

mandarin w

You can get one on the big aution site. Water General is pretty good for the price. You can hook it up several ways.
You can tap it directly into your water line if you own your own home.
If you live in rental property, you can get the garden hose attachment,and and other little attachment thing at HD or lowes for about a $1. You put it all on your faucet and your RO is hooked up. When you are done, just unscrew it from the faucet and put the RO unit away.
While looking for an RO unit. look for one that is a 75GPD, (gallon per day) Very few people need more than that.
Look for at least a 4 or 5 stage. that is the filters that the water goes thru to process it. and finally get on that has 2 DI resien.
That is the final polish of the water. That is what take the water to zero when tested. You should be able to find one for around $110. maybe even a little less. Some have said they got thier shipped to their door for $105.