New 6g Pony Tank!!


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Plant seems to be doing fine, nitrates are 0, nitrite is 0, ammonia is 0, but we have a problem. PH is still 8.8. What could possibly cause this to stay that high? i tried adding fresh water and everything. I am out of chemicals that could fix the ph problem, so i am going to go to a store soon and buy some chemicals and a powerhead.
Also i have a question and possibly a problem: My phytoplankton arrived, 12oz, it's supposed to have 4 different types of plankton. It's brown. Is this alright? I'm not sure what color it's supposed to be, i was thinking green but it's supposed to have like four different types so could this be the reason?
Also still wondering: moving powerhead or a powerhead that keeps it's current in one direction.
Working on a phytoplankton culturing setup. not sure if it will work or not, so far it looks like a pile of trash. Literally.


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Two new questions:
Will adult ghost shrimp try and attack the dwarfs? i've heard of them attacking baby fish, so i was wondering if i need to take them out or somethin..i put them in so the horses could snack on the larval stage of there babies.
also, scooter blenny, safe?


I would say no to the scooter blenny as they need atlest a 30 gallon and will get 5 inches long.May eat the dwarfs.Not sure about the ghost shrimp but I wouldn't risk it..
Where did you get the colorful fake plants?!?They look really cool!


Active Member
Well great...that is the last time i will ever trust what some idiotic teenager says at *****...
they were like "oh yeah it's about full grown, should be great in a 6 gallon"

I did have a backup plan. The blenny is still pretty small, so the night in the 6g wasn't any problem..plan was, if he ended up not doing good in a 6g for any reason, there is alot of untaken territory in the 55g. About an entire side of the tank filled with rockwork built for the mandarin dragonet i had for a while. So he should love it if he takes that territory.
I guess i will put the shrimp in the big tank...any suggestions on a safe easy-to-breed shrimp? I wanted them to give there larval form babies as a snack to the dwarfs, but i didn't ever think about one of them taking a horse down

i also forgot to get a powerhead, so it was almost a complete trip to a fish store for my main tank now

What also would be a good small fish that could help cleanup extra food at the bottom? Scooter blenny seemed perfect for the job and woulda worked if ***** didn't hire random people who know nothing......


Yeah never believe anything anyone says at ***** or Petsmart.I was told one time that seahorses eat flake food and are as easy as guppies.I corrected them.I also cringed as they were giving this awful
They are a chain business that is only trying to make money and not help.
Also ***** doesn't have the most healthy specimens.You may have introduced parasites or disease from the scooter to the dwarf tank since dwarfs are so susceptible to health problems. The scooter may have also been carrying hydroids that will kill the dwarfs.
Sorry for sounding like a downer but I was cringing when I was reading you placed the ***** scooter in the future dwarf
As for other fish,only dwarf pipefish can be kept with dwarfs for what I have learned.


Active Member
I had thought of that aswell but i was searching very carefully for any sign of hydroids or aiptasia in there tanks. for once, it seems they have gotten rid of everything. Of course i wasn't going to take the chance iether way i did a small fresh water dip and all that good stuff.
Anyway, i moved the scooter to the 55g. He seems to be doing amazing, probably doing the best faster then any other fish i've ever had. He is all over the tank, he hasn't picked fights with anyone (of course i don't think anything can see him, he blends in great) and he has sifted sand and attacked the back wall for copepods like crazy. He has a very large and pretty dorsal fin, so i think he is a he.
I know there is other fish, there use to be a nice thread with dwarf compatibility but i can't find it.
Good news: Copepods are thick in my 6g. I was looking on the wall and there was tons, and on the back wall i found some wierd looking ones. They looked like copepods, except they had a really white round thing right behind them....eggs?


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I know, it's been a while. It's been a bad winter where i live, EVERYONE has gotten sick, then gotten sick again, non-stop pretty much all winter >.<'
But it all seems to be letting up, not many people sick now. So i can finely do some fish is the update.
I got fenbendazole, hydroids are now gone, i did some water changes after a week or so, maybe more of having the fenbendazole in there.
After water changes and letting the tank sit for a while longer to filter, i took 4 snails, rinsed them with fresh water, dried there shell, put them in freshwater for a minute or so, rinsed them again, dried them again, and put them in the 6g. They are working there hardest to clear the algae out (quite a bit had grown while it was empty for hydroids).
I figure i will put atleast 2-3 more in there to help with the algae work, and maybe in a week try adding the asterinas back. I didn't want to risk the starfish first, i figure they would have a harder time if there is any fenbendazole left in the system.
Yesterday i finally found a decent powerhead for the job. I got one that moves the head back and forth and spreads the movement of the water to cover a larger area (i figured this would be best?) but still leaving an area under the powerhead that would have less flow if any horse was tired/pregnant/sick and needed to rest.
I have a big sponge over the powerhead intake and a small one on the bottom of the filter intake. The one on the filter didn't end up being long enough for the entire piece, but it covers everything except maybe a centimeter at the top of the intake piece. I will try to draw or get a picture of this, i figure the sponge will slow the intake enough for that tiny area not to be a problem, but i would like someone to let me know for sure if it's safe later just in case. I'd rather not take chances.
So...i'm pretty close to horses i think

I've got a heater going, filter working fine, cycled tank, no more hydroids, some hitching posts, a power head...what am i missing?
I also have been adding phyto plankton to rebuild the copepod population after the hydroid problem, and i've noticed a slight increase of them on the back wall.
I do have a brine shrimp hatchery waiting to be used for the horses, i figure i will start the hatchery a day or two before i am expecting them so i will have them ready.
I figure in about a week or less, when the algae is gone and the tank looks pretty, i am ready.
Just double i seem ready? Am i missing anything?
I don't really have a cleanup crew besides snails/asterina starfish. I was thinking of looking into pepperment shrimp, i was reading about them and they are suposed to be good cleaners and keep aiptasia and other things away. Would these be OK in a 6g? And if so, will they bother the seahorses?
So excited, so close

Edit: pictures and filter illustration coming soon


Active Member
Here shows how the sponge is. The first picture is sort of what the piece looks like, the bottom part being the area with holes where the water is sucked up.
The second picture shows the sponge (gray square) and the area the sponge doesn't cover (red colored area). It is about a centimeter that is not covered. I don't know if this would help enough to be dwarf safe or if that tiny spot would still have enough suction to be a problem.


Active Member
I know, i'm terribly not reliable with pictures

I've had a black algae problem on the sand/rock, i turned lights off for a few days and it is about fixed up. Gonna do a water change tomorrow, test water today and tomorrow for a final time. I've had terrible luck finding dwarf seahorses for sale.
I'm buying tonight a 6"x6" purple gorgonian, it's got tons of tiny branches and should be perfect, with plenty of branches i could frag aswell.
Here is some pictures, although sort of blurry.

My new powerhead (changes direction automatically)

Here is the intake of the filter, is enough blocked with sponge for it to be safe???

Pesky black algae, almost gone..

If anyone has extra dwarf seahorses (perferably of various colors), i would be very interested in buying around 6-10.
Just thought i owed some people some pictures, since i've said 5 times i would get some up and's not an exciting tank (yet).
So, let me know if anyone has pony's for sale, i can't find any good ones anywhere else and i know i can trust the people here.


Active Member
I would not trust that sponge. you can but the filters for maxi jet sponges for very little and it would be much safer.
PM me about ponies


Active Member
Water seems to be fine, got sponge covering entire filter intake now aswell, black hair algae destroyed, giant gorgonian coming in 2-3 days. I have enough hitching for them for a few days until my gorgo gets here right? Three plants, i figure they will stay near the blue one mostly, it has more branches and isn't in the flow much.
Everything is ready...I'm going to buy horses tonight. Thanks for link teresa, but i just couldn't afford there prices =/
I did however find the horses i was planning to buy last weekend again. I'm going to get my hatchery going right now to prepare, it said they should be overnight so maybe get them tomorrow, but probably the day after since i'm ordering sort of late.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dustyboy316
Pics after acclimation

I want Horsies too...
Will do there anything safe i can clean the outside of the glass with? Same for my larger aquarium, i can never keep the front very clean. Is windex or something fine or is it very dangerous simply because of fumes next to tank or something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
Will do there anything safe i can clean the outside of the glass with? Same for my larger aquarium, i can never keep the front very clean. Is windex or something fine or is it very dangerous simply because of fumes next to tank or something?
I do use Windex, however, I agree with Teresa. Spraying any kind of cleaning product by your tank is hazardous. When I use Windex, I spray the product into a paper towel, not on the aquarium glass. Using a natural, non-chemical cleaner like Vinegar is much safer. However, with any kind of foreign product no matter how safe, use caution. When I have hesitations using a product around my tanks, I ask myself, "Would I use this product around my child?", especially when she was an infant.


Active Member
Thanks guys, vinegar worked great! Though i nearly passed out from that god awful smell

Still no horses today...they are supposed to send it monday, tuesday or wednesday, and i ordered sunday, so unless they just forgot, i should have it tomorrow at the latest. And i'm almost positive my gorgo will be here tomorrow too


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
Thanks guys, vinegar worked great! Though i nearly passed out from that god awful smell

Still no horses today...they are supposed to send it monday, tuesday or wednesday, and i ordered sunday, so unless they just forgot, i should have it tomorrow at the latest. And i'm almost positive my gorgo will be here tomorrow too

I hear yah!
It's almost as bad as slicing onions. I sure hope they come tomorrow. Looking forward to pics



Active Member

They're here! Three guys, three girls.
the girls look to all be grown up, one of the guys is a little young i think. And the other two guys, full grown...and i'm pretty sure they're pregnant. Thank god they didn't have babies during shipping...would have went into panic mode
They all seem to be doing well, a couple starting to get there full color back. one is black, and the others i can't tell, i think they are still miscolored from shipping, but one looks to have green on it.
One of them isn't staying with the others, he is exploring on the other side of the tank..this doesn't mean something is wrong does it?
Pics will come as soon as i stop staring at them (so maybe tomorrow).