Eclipse is not a salt tank. The lighting is garbage - yea, it's 8 watts, but its 8 watts of 5500K lighting. ALL coral should be getting AT LEAST 3 watts per gallon of 10,000K lights.
Also, the shape of the tank is horrible. Its taller and deeper than it is wide, so you have to setup your aquascapaing tall, and there is not a lot of frontal viewing space.
Anything that you can buy at DEATHCO is bad for a saltwater setup.
Thats a good rule of thumb.
I have a 5.5 gallon reef at my office with 36 watts of 50/50 lighting and my hammer coral has quadrupled in size in a month.
You just have to realize 2 things:
1. Skimping on lighting makes no sense when these animals survive on light.
2. For another $60 you could have gotten a Biocube 8 that is build for salt.