New 72 gallon bow front reef tank set up


I am planning on this set-up:
live rock w/ live sand
light load of fish, inverts, and corals. (anenome)
Overflow box to sump
Aqua-C urchin skimmer (In Sump) Bought
Emperor 400 filter (In Sump)
Refuge in sump
Return Pump Bought
2 x 200 watts heaters ( In Sump) Bought
The main questions is the lighting?
I am planning on a 48" 4 x 96 watts Power Compact or Metal Hy?
I have to keep the glass top on the tank because of young

Can I get away with a 48" 4 x 65 watt power compact?
Your imput would be appreciated.


Active Member
you can get away with it for a few corals like mushrooms and zoo's, and maybe a condi anemone, but not the other anemones. you'd be better off with MH. as far as the top, the glass top will drop heat in. you can get eggcrate and cut to the size you need and would serve the same purpose.


Also what is eggcrate or how do you us it? Does any else have an opinion on this set up?
Am I forgeting any thing? What size of mh lights would I need? as far as watts. I would like to keep it to 2 light fixtures because of the center plastic pc.


Active Member
eggcrate is like a plastic vent that many people use under lighting (like in public restrooms). you can get it for about $10 a sheet at a home depot and cut it to the size you need.
as for the lights, if you can get 5+ watts per gallon, that would be best.


I've got a 72 bow as well ...
I ordered the 48inch coralife 4x65watter with the lunar lights...
I think it'll work out for now.. Maybe 6 months down the rd I'll get M/H if I can get the funds...
I am using a fluval 404 and an emperor 400 right now...
would like to do overflow to a sump soon .....