New 72 gallon bow front tank reef setup


I would like your opinion on how to set up this tank. I have a 15 gallon fowlr.
Sand bottom, lots of live rock, no direct sunlight.
HOB skimmer w/ canister filter (fluval 404)
Overflow box to sump
with either bioballs, or biowheel (tidepool).
refuge? skimmer
return pump
Next lighting
Metal hylide or compact flo?
Also can i put my lights on top of the glass top.
Either on the glass or 2 - 3 inches above the glass- or must I remove the glass top
when the lights are on?
Thank you.


Are you on a tight budget? If so, you may need to change these to fit your budget but for a 72 bow, I would have to say overflow to sump w/ skimmer, heater, etc. in sump (best skimmer Aqua C Remora) You will need more live rock and its hard to give lbs over internet because it is all about preference and how porus the rocks are. I would go with live sand but thats just me. Lighting depends on preference. You probably want a very nice wide variety of corals and clams in a tank that big (I would). To house all corals and clams, you need MH. They are pricey but worth it. With MH you can keep all corals, all clams, annemones, anything you want. I hope this helped and good luck with the tank!!


Active Member
^What he said!!^ lol
Devinatly go with overflow to sump, you wont regret it. And with a reef tank you wont need the bio balls or bio wheel. Thats what lr is for. You'll wont a good skimmer, and like reefman said aqua-c remora is about the best out there for that size tank. And for lighting it all depends on what you are planning on keeping. If you just want solfties, and a couple lps, that compact floresents will work fine. Like reefman said with haids you can keep anything. Hope If answered your questions!! If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask. And keep us updated.


I HAVE A GLASS TOP FOR IT THAT I MUST USE. I have 2 wonderful boys that will totally put their toys/ hands/ dirt clauds/ ect.... in the tank if it is just open. Will metal hyl penetrate the glass well. The only times i have ever seen mh in action they were over open water. Which scares the hell out of me. Oh, also forgot to mention the cat and I travel overnight.