New 75 gallon FOWLR


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ledex http:///t/387807/new-75-gallon-fowlr#post_3417948
Well I put the shrimp in and I tested ammonia at .5 I believe so I took it out and then I left it until Friday and the ammonia was .25 along with nitrites and the nitrates were at 5 or 10 I believe, and PH was at 8.4 if I recall, and so I tested again today to see if it was climbing or coming down. It appears it came down.
I think it's ready.. but it needs 5 more days until anything else is added so it can stabilize.


Active Member
you may have said this once before and if so all apologies, how long did you leave the raw shrimp in the tank?


I left it in 2 or 3 days I can't remember, I tested the ammonia and it read .5 so I took it out.


Should I turn the skimmer on now, or wait until there are fish in there? Oh and no diamond goby, I came into the living room this morning and he had committed suicide, I'm not entirely sure how he jumped out of my other tank, it has a hood on it except for a tiny holy where I can put my finger to lift it, but anyhow he managed to jump thru that hole to his demise.


New Member
Top should be off???? You are saying the top of the tank should be open right? What are the chances of a fish jumping out?
How many lbs of rock is in there?
I am setting up a similar tank so thanks for all the great questions and answers.
Your tank looks good I'll be checking back for updates.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by chicagojb http:///t/387807/new-75-gallon-fowlr/20#post_3423997
Top should be off???? You are saying the top of the tank should be open right? What are the chances of a fish jumping out?
How many lbs of rock is in there?
I am setting up a similar tank so thanks for all the great questions and answers.
Your tank looks good I'll be checking back for updates.
Just jumping in...Leave the tank top uncovered. There are fish that jump and to prevent it we use mesh or egg crate to cover the top, so we don't restrict the air flow over the water.
Long bodied fish are the jumpers. All fish if startled will jump, but some just jump out more often.
Short list:
some gobies


New Member
Do fish randomly jump (sometimes hitting whatever is covering the top) or do they scout out the open parts of the tank and aim for the openings?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jetedawg http:///t/387807/new-75-gallon-fowlr/20#post_3424283
Do fish randomly jump (sometimes hitting whatever is covering the top) or do they scout out the open parts of the tank and aim for the openings?
Fish get startled and just seems to find whatever little crevice to get through...almost like it's on purpose they commit sushi. When I moved my 30g out after setting up the new tank against another wall...I found all kinds of snail shells about 6, where they had been climbing out, and a dried up body of a peppermint shrimp.