New 75 Reef

Hi all,
I have had a Oceanic 29 Gallon Biocube for about 17 months now, everything is outgrowing it now, so here is the beginning of my new 75 Gallon Reef. I have drilled and put a 2" bulkhead with an over flow box in the tank, draining into a 25 gallon sump, an aqua c skimmer with a little giant pump running the skimmer, live rock in the sump with two 3/4" returns, one into each side of the over flow box, with a mag drive 7 running those. I have a koralia powerhead for more water flow also. Here are some pics of the tank and the homemade stand and sump. I will post more as I add more livestock and lights and corals. Let me know what you think.

Originally Posted by mumbulog
nice work, lookin great! Is it hard to drill your own holes in the glass?
Not at all, just make sure you get a quality glass hole saw bit, I make a little dam around the spot where you want the hole drilled with modeling clay, then pour some water in and start drilling slowly but steadily with even pressure on the bit. Have someone keep pouring water in when it gets low, eventually you will drill right through the tank without a problem.
I have the canopy almost done, I will get some more pics as soon as possible, I would love to hear what everyone thinks so far, should be adding the icecap 660 and 4 T5 bulbs on Saturday. More pics are coming soon. Thanks
Bump, ok, this is the last try, I posted on here before when I set up my 29 biocube and got very few responses, and now again while I am setting up this tank, still nothing, if nothing new comes along, I guess I just wont bother waisting my time posting anything here again.


Looks good so far, but I would of stained the wood. It also looks like you will need to add more sand in your tank kinda low to me.


nice tank and set up, mine is almost identical. I have a 75 gallon with the aqua c on the sump and a mag 7 running the return
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
that rock work in the middle of the tank is nice very nice. Id add a little more live rock and get another power head!
I am adding more rock slowly out of my 29 gallon biocube, will add the rest when I get the lights this weekend because the rock in the cube has alot of corals and mushrooms and ricordia on it. I will be adding another koralia power head soon also. Thanks
Almost finished with the canopy now, just need to put the front trim on and it will be complete, here are some pics of the tank and canopy. Hope you enjoy.



Tank looks good so far. May I ask why you ran a 2" drain and are only running a mag 7 return? To me the 2" just seems way overkill. A 1" drain would have easily been able to handle the capacity of the mag 7.
Other than that, the stand and canopy look good. Nice and clean. Keep up the good work.
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
Tank looks good so far. May I ask why you ran a 2" drain and are only running a mag 7 return? To me the 2" just seems way overkill. A 1" drain would have easily been able to handle the capacity of the mag 7.
Other than that, the stand and canopy look good. Nice and clean. Keep up the good work.
The drain size really does not matter, the overflow box only drains as much as the return pump pumps back into the tank, the reason for the 2" drain instead of a smaller one is to avoid the suction sound that you can get from a smaller drain size. Thanks for the compliment on the stand and canopy.
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Looks great.How are you going to finish the cabinetry?
Paint or stain? Be careful either way with the fumes.
I just put two coats of polyurethane on it, I like the natural pine look, so I finished it inside and out with a clear satin polyurethane
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
You picked out some nice pieces of pine,it has a nice grain pattern.
I work at Chinook Lumber, it is called Radiata Pine, it comes from New Zealand and it is very nice looking, it looks great stained or with just a clear coat on it.