new 75 tank ? plus fish


Active Member
This is not a flame, but read the advice that people have given. There is no magic potion that makes the cycle occur instantly (otherwise we all would have used it!) It takes time and patience to get a tank ready to add livestock. And it sounds like you've already ordered the eel and the trigger. For the sake of the fish ASK THE SITE YOU ORDERED THEM FROM TO HOLD THEM UNTIL YOUR CYCLE IS FINISHED, OR CANCEL THE ORDER.



Originally posted by Ryan2003
O snap I forgot sorry I added 20 LBS of live sand to my tank also I realized it would be alot harder to do a reef so I think im gonna get a niger trigger snowflake eel I just ordered them offline

Dude you have got to be yanking our chains:rolleyes: I know you arent going to cycle a tank with those fish. I think someone is playing a practical joke here.


If you dont want to wast a lot of money you should listren and read all this post carfully. You dont want to order any kind of fish right now. You need to cycle your tank. If not then you will porobably only have those fish for maybe a few days. If that. If you have LS and LR then throuhg a shrimp in there and get a test kit that test ammonia, ph, nirits and nitrats. When the ammonia is at 0 then and only then is it safe to add fish. Unless you want to cycle the tank with damsels. I would just go with the shrimp. That is the best way.


I agree about the cycling...I assumed you had cycled already...of forgot from the original post...and yes...eels do sometimes escape...even when you think the tank is completely sealed...they find a way.


20lbs of ls WILL NOT cycle your tank, I have a 75 and it took me 3 months WITH 120lbs of ls. The most important thing to remember is to CHECK your water conditions. This is a VERY expensive hobby and you will do well to do research on all your fish choices. The Niger Trigger is cool, I have one but he is by himself in my 20 high because they eat EVERTYTHING they can, you can't have shrimp, crabs, coral or anything (well maybe an anenome, but thats another day) with one of those guys.. You would do better going with the clown fish in your new tank if you must put fish in now. |The Snowflke Eel, I don't know but I wouldn't have one AFTER doing research. I'm sure most would agree with me here


I was about to order them offline or at my LFS but it didnt work.My credit card wasnt valid so I went to my LFS and just got 4 4striped damsels. so how long should I leave them in here?