I have had an agressive 220g before, but I just recently upgraded to a 750g
(10'wx4'dx30"h) acrylic marine ready from Tenecor. It has a 125+/-gallon sump wth approx 85 gallons of bio balls, 3.5-4" dsb, acrylic rocks, (4) 8' HO (110w 7100k) bulbs, and an HSA1000. It began to cycle the tank approx 16 days ago with 1.5 lbs (38) of large, raw, peeled shrimp. Two days ago, the amonia peeked at 1ppm and it now down to zero. Today's nitrite is up to 5ppm and the nitrate is up to 10ppm. It is my understanding that the initial size of the amonia spike determines the initial size of the beneficial bacteria colonies that will eventually consume and covert amonia-nitrite-nitrate. If this is the case, should I:
1. Leave the old shrimp in place and add more new shrimp, thus creating a second spike
2. Remove old shrimp and add new shrimp
3. Remove all of the shrimp, allow the process to contimue until zero are achived and then slowly add fish until balance is achieved. I planned on intro ducing the 2 rays at the same time, then one month later, intro both sharks at the same time, and then add the others one or two at a time until completed
Next, my tank has massive amounts of diatoms and green algae on the sand, when can I add the clean up crew?(these will obviously consumed by the fish when they are added).
Should I "feed" the tank b/n the time of the clean up crew and fish intro? If so, how much.
Must have list
2 Calfornia (yellow rays)
2 Bambooo cat sharks
1 Lionfish
1 Panther Grouper
1. Chainlink eel
Possible addtions:
Black Niger Trigger
Wrasse (lunar)
Other suggestions are welcome
(10'wx4'dx30"h) acrylic marine ready from Tenecor. It has a 125+/-gallon sump wth approx 85 gallons of bio balls, 3.5-4" dsb, acrylic rocks, (4) 8' HO (110w 7100k) bulbs, and an HSA1000. It began to cycle the tank approx 16 days ago with 1.5 lbs (38) of large, raw, peeled shrimp. Two days ago, the amonia peeked at 1ppm and it now down to zero. Today's nitrite is up to 5ppm and the nitrate is up to 10ppm. It is my understanding that the initial size of the amonia spike determines the initial size of the beneficial bacteria colonies that will eventually consume and covert amonia-nitrite-nitrate. If this is the case, should I:
1. Leave the old shrimp in place and add more new shrimp, thus creating a second spike
2. Remove old shrimp and add new shrimp
3. Remove all of the shrimp, allow the process to contimue until zero are achived and then slowly add fish until balance is achieved. I planned on intro ducing the 2 rays at the same time, then one month later, intro both sharks at the same time, and then add the others one or two at a time until completed
Next, my tank has massive amounts of diatoms and green algae on the sand, when can I add the clean up crew?(these will obviously consumed by the fish when they are added).
Should I "feed" the tank b/n the time of the clean up crew and fish intro? If so, how much.
Must have list
2 Calfornia (yellow rays)
2 Bambooo cat sharks
1 Lionfish
1 Panther Grouper
1. Chainlink eel
Possible addtions:
Black Niger Trigger
Wrasse (lunar)
Other suggestions are welcome