New 90 gallon set up question


New Member
I will be starting a 90 gallon tank with rock and fish only (no corals). I was thinking about doing a hob filter... Thinking 2 aquaclears 110s with a good power head. Looking for input, advice and opinions on that setup.


Well-Known Member
Aquaclears arent really that good. Penguins are decent but i personally prefer emperors. An emperor 400 with an octopus hang on skimmer rated for a 100g would be ideal.


If you run sufficient LR, and a PH or two, plus a good skimmer, you don't really need the HOB's, IMHO. About all you're REALLY accomplishing with the HOB's is adding flow, unless you have a need for mechanical filtration. IMHO/IME, AC's are just as good as any of the HOB's...we use them when a setup requires a HOB.
Since you don't seem to mind HOB equipment, perhaps you'll consider a HOB overflow and run a'll like it a lot better in the long run.
What types of fish are you considering? Some are a lot more messy than others.


Well-Known Member
All great advice...Welcome to the site, and to the 90g club...I love mine, not too small and not too large.
Oh and over the years I have used the HOB (Whisper and Penguin brand), a canister, and now the CPR overflow with a sump...I like the sump much better then the others, and it allows for the equipment to be hidden down below unseen. I have had no luck with HOB skimmers, but my in-sump skimmer (octopus 1000) works awesome.


New Member
I have been doing some research on protein skimmers. If I just got a protein skimmer, reef octopus bh1000 for example, would that work instead of the hob filters? Would I need anything else, for example, power heads or any other filtration system?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pilot84 http:///t/393761/new-90-gallon-set-up-question#post_3503812
I have been doing some research on protein skimmers. If I just got a protein skimmer, reef octopus bh1000 for example, would that work instead of the hob filters? Would I need anything else, for example, power heads or any other filtration system?
Yes and yes.
Yes to being able to just use the skimmer with out a HOB filter. Yes on using it with powerheads and LR.
the BH1000 is a very nice unit. but you will still want to make sure you have enough LR for biological filtration and plenty of flow from powerheads (at least one to break the surface and get good surface agitation, and a second to help the flow, making sure you don't have dead spots).