New 90 Gallon Tank Filtering. SUMP OR CANISTERS


Good Morning
I got my 90 gallon tank yesterday. I built my own stand and is it heavy duty. I think the stand would hold a Mack truck. But the question is should I use a sump or should I use 2 Fluval 404 canister filters.
I think before I make the decision on what to use I need to understand a few things about the sump. So I have a couple of questions.
1.How often do you need to break the sump down and clean it?
2.What are the pros and cons of using a sump?
3.What size sup do I need for a 90 gallon tank?
4.Why should I sump?
The nice thing about using the canister filter is that every fish shop has parts for them. Their quick to clean and easy. I have had great luck using canister filters and I think I need to move on to a sump but I am finding myself still leaning toward using canisters.
I need help!!!!
Please can some one help me make up my mind!!!


well canister filter are good for freshwater. when i switch from fw to sw i got rid of my canister and got a sump. they add more water, hides skimmers and heater. u dont have to clean it as much, or change filter pads. well u still have to rinse them out no carbon. cleans the surface water better. and canister, u have to take apart and clean them, change the media. so if u plan on haveing live rock.i would go with a sump with live rock in it. and a good skimmer. just adding the water would be worth it. u could use any size sump. if u have an old tank laying around use that. maybe like 30gal. the bigger the better. 55 would be better. the more water the more stable the water is.


The thing is i am using a canister on a 50 now and the water is stable. the skimmer i dont mide seeing on the tank. I just think the canisters would be nice and easy.


You have to clean canister filters a lot more and eventually will contribute to high nitrates, Hang on skimmers do not work as well.
Canisters are really made for freshwater.


Here is my copy and paste from another thread:
As far as canister vs. refugium/sumps etc, I can tel you that I run a cascade 1000 (penn plex) canister and I think it does a fine job. (Plus a perhead for circulation) The problem with canisters is the amount of work that goes into it.
I use floss of different thicknesses, and carbon.
They must be cleaned evey 2 weeks, and it doesn't have the benefits of providing a safe haven for coepods etc. plus replacing the carbon every couple of weeks starts adding up.
However, I did not have enough room for where my tank went to have skimmers and sumps etc, so i was forced to go that route.
With all of the talk about skimmers/sumps etc, I have to say I am actually happy with my choice. My water looks clear, never had any serious problems of fish dying or poor water testing. My nitrates are usually in the 10-20 range, but the more I read about things and get peoples experience, I am really starting to wonder how much nitrates in reasonable ranges actually affect anything.
I plan on havig a large tank of 200+ when I have my next home built, and I can see on such a large tank how a refug/sump will be a benefit, but I'm starting to wonder if having all of that extra stuff on the average 55 to 90 gal tank really makes a difference?


Active Member
Drill the tank and put in a sump. No rinsing, more stable and it feeds the tank pods. As a bonus, you can hide your heaters. :yes:


I have a fuge/sump on my 125 reef and a Fluval 404 on my 55 reef, and let me tell you, the canisters are 10x the amount of work! The floss, carbon, etc. The tank is crystal clear and I have only lost one fish, but it comes with a price. The main reason they are so difficult is due to the fact that they have to be taken apart for servicing, shutting down the water flow, etc. Don't worry, in 5 years something else will come out that makes the refugium a lot of work too. Because when canisters came out, they were all the rage! The same W/wet/drys, refugiums, etc.


After talking to my buds I am going to run a sump. This will be something new for me and might take a little time to get the know how of how everything works but I think in the long run it will be worth it.


How about both? I use the canister with a prefilter and carbon. Must clean it often but I run it 24/7. I also have a sump/refugium and that is where I grow microalgae and pods. I also keep my skimmer, heater and UV filter in there. I think anytime you can add more volume of water you are going to be more successful.


It seems that the best filtration is a variety....they all add their jobs together and you do the best. I did not want a sump due to noise, messiness and also I am only 2 months into salt now. I have 130 lbs now of live rock, I got the best skimmer I could find....a remoraC pro and prefilter box, a 2217 eheim cannister filter and lots of movement...about 1900 gph in the tank now. I have had NO problems. I do not run carbon after the initial cycle....the cannister is great for extra water flow at the surface. I find this one so easy. I open it twice a month and rinse the sponge...then at 6 months you have to replace 1/2 of these rocks in it....then at 1 year another cleaning of botton stuff which I can deal with only doing twice a year. For me this works...I have never since I added the skimmer and all had any nitrates as stated. I do find that many that comment on the cannisters, have not used the recent cannisters available and although trying to help, comment because that is what they see on other posts, but don't have that personal experience. I have asked in response when someone comments and it is always because they saw it somewhere about the nitrates. Nope, not first I was worried, but my combination works and I have a 90 gallon, my tank is clean and I have not even had an algae breakout at all.....I do like that if I want to sharpen my water conditions, I have the ability to pop some carbon in there to clean up..but they say don't run the carbon all the time, it takes out too many trace elements at the same time as what you don't want. I think there are other things you can run through a cannister but I have no needed anything else now. good luck!:cheer: