New Addition, and new pics!!!! New RBTA!!


So my girlfriend thought she would be cute and try and keep me from finding out my early birthday present. Well with a little help from Bronco300 (Luke) I must say she did a pretty nice job. Well I'll let the pics do the talking. I also added a Flame Hawkfish lastweek. He's doing great!! Also some updated coral pics.

Flame Hawk

Illongated Xenias



very have a good girl there....good luck with those sea poms i love them but the last time i had some they didn't like the me and died...
...everything looks great and happy b-day when it comes!!!


I have had the Pom Pom (Red Sea) Xenias since January and they are doing great. I got the Illongated ones a few months back and they spread like WEEDS. I got a frag of 2 stalks and now there are 8 I think, in a matter of less than 2 months.


Well my Maroon took to it pretty quick. I'd say less than 30 minutes. After all, it is their natural anenome I guess. It decided to take a hike last night behind some rocks, so I moved it down in the corner and it did not like that either. It ended up going about half way up the rockwall in a nice little groove. Well heres some new pics from today. Enjoy!! Let me know what you guys/gals think!

Not the best picture, but one of the few I have got from my shy Cherub.


looks like someone needs to be fragging the xenia. looks great.


The Illongated Xenias still aren't quite as big as I want them. I won't frag them till then, I was thinking somewhere when I have a colony about 10inches or so around, lol. I was those and my GSP to take over, that is kind of the theme of the tank, Xenias are by far my favorite coral. Thanks for all the nice replies btw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandan
The Illongated Xenias still aren't quite as big as I want them. I won't frag them till then, I was think somewhere when I have a colony about 10inches or so around, lol. I was those and my GSP to take over, that is kind of the theme of the tank, Xenias are by far my favorite coral. Thanks for all the nice replies btw.

You are like me, I like the "weeds" of the reef tank. I guess we just don't know better.

I just bought my BTA and he's still trying to find his spot. My clowns havn't even looked at it.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
You are like me, I like the "weeds" of the reef tank. I guess we just don't know better.

I just bought my BTA and he's still trying to find his spot. My clowns havn't even looked at it.

Ill get a full tank shot in the morning, so you guys can see how much it moved. It was not happy at all, but now it is almost vertical on the rockwall and is happy as all getout. My Maroon doesn't seem to mind it either, she gets her exercise, she goes from the Colt when someone swims next to it, then back to her RBTA


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandan
Ill get a full tank shot in the morning, so you guys can see how much it moved. It was not happy at all, but now it is almost vertical on the rockwall and is happy as all getout. My Maroon doesn't seem to mind it either, she gets her exercise, she goes from the Colt when someone swims next to it, then back to her RBTA
Mine is vertical too. He's also blocking the new "canyon" I made so my fish won't swim through it now.
I alredy tried moving him, but he's so soft and squishy I didn't want to hurt him.


Hi ... is that a pink bubble anemone you gat in your tank .... it's very nice .... i love to have one pink anemone and a pair of red (real red) maroon clown in my tank in the future
wish to see more pict pls... full tank if you can


It looks great!
My BTA also is vertical and he also blocked my canyon too he attached his foot way back in the canyon but spends all day streched out in the open.


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
neat-o! that flame hawk is cool! nice stuff!
I thought so too, He is turning out to be one of my favorite fish!