New addition? Opinions?


I currently have a 72 gal bowfront tank with 2 black and white clowns, one spot foxface, 4 rose bubble tip anemones, and 2 peppermint shrimp. I will soon be "adopting" new fish and I want to make sure that they will be compatible with the fish I already have. I have read that tangs can be somewhat bossy and nip at things but I have also read that tangs and the onespot will pair and be friends or at least get along. Can i adopt a pacific blue tang (note both fish are several years old and around the same size) What are your opinions? I also and adopting a flame hawkfish but I have read no problems so far with compatibility with this species and the ones i own. Any thoughts?
Also what "sheet" of seaweed (purchased at the store) is the best nutrition for my foxface the green or brown algae?

bang guy

My opinion is that the Kole Tang is the only Tang compatible with a 4 foot tank. I would never recommend a Blue Tang for a 72.
For the algae I suggest a variety and try to find some raw Laver as well.
The Hawk is an excellent fish. No Shrimp in the tank with it though. It will quickly make a snack of your Peppermints.