New Addition: P. eydouxi


Active Member
After seeing a jaw dropping P. eydouxi in Eric Borneman's book, I started looking around for a specimen with good coloration and good shape. Well, almost a year later I came across an extremely fantastic P. eydouxi with good coloration. I couldn't pass this up. Unfortunately, It does have two burns on the tips of two branches although those are starting to slowely heal over.


Active Member
how much did that set you back. looks expensive and rare.
help me out its reddish/purplish/dark pink right? im unfortunately color blind :(
btw does the p stand for pocillopora?


Active Member
help me out its reddish/purplish/dark pink right? im unfortunately color blind :(
Yep, that's the colors. I'm hoping that it will soon intensify into a dark purple or red.
btw does the p stand for pocillopora?

Using the letter "P" is the easy and quicker way to type Pocillopora. Same goes with any other Genus.
Take Care,


Active Member

Originally posted by skilos1
nice coral graham, did you get it from madness?

Thanks, Chris! Yes, those were from madnesss :)
Graham is being a little misleading in his tank size. The tank is 150 gallons, the rest of it is filtration.

Chis is correct. The tank is only 150 gallons, but I have another 150 gallons of sump (making 300 gallons). Before the word limits were enforced on the profile, it said 300 gallons total water volume.

nm reef

Active Member
That is a nice addition Graham....and I also count my sump/refugium in my total volume...100 display with 20 in the sump and 55 in the refugium....makes a 175 gal system....just sounds better to me....

Don't make my display bigger but it is a better indication of the total size/volume of the entire system.:thinking: