new addition


Well after 7 months of just a raniford goby... I decided to liven the tank up a bit and I got a tank raised false perc... it's a small guy.. prob smaller than my little finger... looks healthy and everything though... already eating and even picking off of the glass... I decided to only get one for now.. I was told by the guy that you can get another one later and they should get along.. is this true?? I was thinking about waiting for the summer time and getting another one along with a bta when I have more time to dedicate to the bta... as for right now I am going to be feeding it flakes.. will this be okay for now?? say a few weeks?? I figure it should be good to alternate with some other foods esp. meaty frozen foods... does anyone feed theirs any over the counter just fresh seafood from the grocery?? got any recipes for me?? thanks!!
p.s. what temp should i keep the tank at for this guy??


Active Member
i would of got 2at once now when u put another 1 in there instead of a little fighting (if u bought 2at once) there could be a DEATH to the new clownfish! i dont really listen to my lfs!


hmm.. thats odd cuz this lfs is one of the most respected the guy is in many books... although I did not talk to him...
one of his stupid littel employees.... would it be okay if I bought another one today because it has only been a day?


Active Member
You do not have to buy 2 at one time and you’ll be fine if you add another later on, as the next one you buy is either much smaller or larger. I have a pair of Clarkiis and I lost one about 8 months ago and added a new one that was about 30% smaller then the established fish and I haven’t had any problems. Also, you may want to quarantine all new fish to ensure you don’t introduce parasites or disease into your main tank.


Thanks... yes... as for that... I'm hoping that I do not have a problem... it looks as if where his first white line goes down and is underneath his body.. this is where the fins on the bottom end.. there is a bit of white stuff.


Active Member
imo, i would NEVER buy 2 at diffrent times they set up a territory and if u get one bigger then the other wich in a few days if its the only clown in ur tank will become the female u will have 2females in ur tank wich equales a death to one of the clowns!


it would be okay if i bought one today tho?? the one clown would have been in the tank just overnight... would it be territorial by now?


Active Member
try to get one SMALLER then the one u have now gives it a better chance of living but yes get one today!


Active Member
Couple of things I’d like to point out. First, Amphiprion ocellaris (false Perc) is not one of the more aggressive species of clownfish and I wouldn’t worry about overt aggression unless your tank is a nano or you introduced a mature female into a tank that had another mature female clown (that’s why we want to make sure one fish is larger then the other). Second, because someone has 1000+ posts and has a user name about a certain type of fish, it doesn’t mean they know what they are talking about…take advice with a grain of salt…just my 2cents.


Active Member
n now it would have to be a smaller clown bc ive had the same problems and so has my friend ive experinced this already!


well thanks for all the info everyone!!
Unfortunately I will not be getting another one right now because I have noticed what appears to be some fungus on my new perc.. so I need to treat that right now... I'm thinking that by summer time I will purchase another small perc and an anenome.. after i get my job at the aquarium store which = discounts :joy:


Active Member
so basically, you're fine with getting one later on....just be aware they will fight probably if you wait longer becuase the clown in your tank will have established his place, but you can always move rockwork to throw that out the window....but when you buy another one, just try to get one of a different size, and they will work the dominance thing out themselves.


Active Member
hahahaha, don't put words in my mouth clown, i said she can get it whenever she desires, but to watch out for certain things


Active Member
this is my last comment towards this because it serves no purpose but confusion....there could be death if she got 2 at the same time as just have to watch out for things to make sure its as smooth as possible...the possibility of living is better at the same time...but its not guaranteed either...but if you take proper care you should be fine either way


Active Member
yea but ive had the expierence of this happening TWICE bc in my 20g i had 1perc and then about 2-3weeks later added another and then that one was killed then another week after another then that one died and then i got 1 about 3-4days after the 2nd was killed and they were fine i still have that one!


Active Member
good luck shiby1510!! i hope to see your clowns, show us some pics sometimes...

clown, you have to admit youve also had alot of tank problems lately that could very well attribute the deaths too...everyone has diff eveperiences, and there are tons out there that have bought a clownfish later and have been just thats all i'm saying, my opinion