new addition


20g is smaller tho for less territory although mine is not much bigger.. a 30g... however I will not be buying another right this second because right now the 1 false perc I have has some fungus. As far as being aggressive he is getting along great with my raniford goby they have been actually floating around each other lately.. although I do understand it is a completely different species.
1 other thing... what would happen if I took my old false perc out of the mt for say a night and had him in my fuge and then put him back in the mt.. would this not work?


Active Member might work, i'm not sure that would work as well as rearranging some of your can try it though and if it doesnt, then rearrange it


Active Member
yea, thats right
with your situation, its just a question of weather or not your clown will establish its territory, then the fight could be much bigger

37g joe

shirby I am with clown I have had perculas befor Im no expert but I would of originally put them in at the same time. But since the one you have has some sort of fungus I would wait for it to get beter. maybe put it in a qt tank. Also whenn you put the secound clown in chane up all your live rock placement it well get rid of territories.


I have noticed that it spends most of its time on the left side.. .and if I were to get an anenome I would put it on the right side... would this change everything possibly because then they would wanna be on the right side?


Active Member
Adding a second clown after one has been in your tank for a few weeks or months is tricky but not impossible. You just need to follow the steps that the other posters have already given you and you should do fine.
1) second fish much smaller, half or less the size of the current one.
2) change the rockwork up
3) add the new fish after dark. Lights out
You mentioned your current fish is small, about what size? It's possible it's not old enough to even have a --- yet. Also on the anemone idea, make sure you have good lighting before getting one of these. For your size tank about a $200.00 setup should do fine.


that was the plan... but it will still not be for some time... my new clown has some sort of disease... I hope its not lymph..


How is it that so many simple questions end up in one on one ego battles? It was an honest question that required the opinions of fellow reef keepers. It didnt require absolute truth, they just wanted to know what other people have done in the same situation...
Im sure some of it was in good natured jest, but come on, we dont need to call eachother outright liars for telling our own experiences. Everyone has had successes and failures at different points in their hobby and both can help an inexperienced hobbyist. Like it has been said many times before, take your LFS advice with a grain of salt, as well as the opinions of others. There are many things that people tell you to do that really dont make sense and arent the best solution.
As for the clowns dying in a 20 gal, Well... yeah 20 gal isnt really that big. 30 isnt too bad though as long as you have enough hiding places and such....
Sorry for the rant.... I just wish people would be a little more respectful sometimes....