New addition


I couldn't help myself. I had to have a yellow tang eventhough I only have a 75 gallon tank. He sure does love his new home.



Originally Posted by huck4200
I couldn't help myself. I had to have a yellow tang eventhough I only have a 75 gallon tank. He sure does love his new home.

Beautiful fish. One word of advice. Only keep one in a 75 gallon cause they will fight and eventually one will die cause he will keep him in the corner so he can't eat. They are good in pairs of 3's but I think a 75 would be too small. Get him plenty of algae to eat. Good luck with him.



Originally Posted by Triggernut
Beautiful fish. One word of advice. Only keep one in a 75 gallon cause they will fight and eventually one will die cause he will keep him in the corner so he can't eat. They are good in pairs of 3's but I think a 75 would be too small. Get him plenty of algae to eat. Good luck with him.

I feed him Nori once a day that I tie to a rock. He also eats the dryed flakes and the frozen shrimp I feed the other fish. Should I be feeding him more often or other forms of food such as algea from my sump?