New additions and id help please


Just wanted to share a couple of new additions and get some help on an id. The first pic is a yellow finger leather, it is a little beat up, but recovering well from my lfs. Next, is a rose devil's claw. And the third is an unknown I traded for at my lfs. I'm pretty sure it is a tunicate, the exact one I have no idea. My first thoughts are that it is a purple lollipop, but it has not regrown a lollipop head, but has grown new branches. The base is under the sand and round, like a flower bulb. The color has darkened under my lights, but tunicates do not process light. Any ideas? I also picked up a blushing finger leather, small, but is growing fast.
Please let me know your thoughts, there are many more experienced reefers out there!



Active Member
I dont think its a lollipop, aka a blue palm coral if we are thinking the same thing here. Never seen one in that color, more of a baby blue and green..could be wrong and pic is not so clear...maybe its a Clavelina sp. tunicate.....sorry not much help, good luck with it.


New Member
booduh, i cant help you with an id on your corals but i can help you with frag trades closer to you. i am from missoula but moved back to utah. there are lots of traders in idaho and utah. send me a pm and we can talk. rich


Rich, thanks for the reply. Hope you are going to watch the games this weekend, it would be cool to see a MSU UM national championship! The odds are slim, but I know a ton of UM fans a psyched with another home game.
Thanks for the line on trades, most of the trades I have had are on the east coast, finding someone closer is better. Right now I do not have much to frag, once the leathers get healthier and bigger I will probley frag them and I always have green star polyps. But I do have some small zoo colonies right now if you know anyone who may be interested, about 10 zoos per rock I can post pics if needed. Not the best time of year, but is still possible, it is expected to be -12 tonight, right now we are at -5.
I will be switching to a new local isp soon, so I maybe down for awhile, but I will check at work.
Later, Jason