New pics...


Active Member
I'm not having much luck with posting these pics in the new hobbiest forum, but I know this thread will take off, so here you go.
My new addies are the frilly mushroom and the frogspawn coral, both doing beautifully, and I'm really excited to be finally adding more after a slight hair algae battle (still slightly in the process, but feeling better about it).
First pic, frilly 'shrooms
Second pic, my new frogspawn
Third pic, my pink zoos - they're spreading to the adjacent rock to the left
Fourth and Fifth - just some pics I thought I would like to post (not very good ones, but oh well).
Enjoy, and let me know what you think, 'kay?
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing. I love it when zoas migrate. Ha!
I love that too. Actually the zoos (branching zoos) in the last 2 pics are just beginning to spread, but not nearly as fast as my pinks.
Yeah, I don't get it either, but I really love how things are beginning to come together. :cheer:
Thanks for your response!!
Lisa :happyfish


Very pretty!! I love your pink zoo's. I hope to someday add some zoo's. Very slim pickins around here!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
Very pretty!! I love your pink zoo's. I hope to someday add some zoo's. Very slim pickins around here!!
Thanks Kim,
Yeah, I actually just happened to stumble on those pinks one day at the LFS...they've not had anything even close to those since. I have a feeling that they were ordered for someone who decided to ditch the idea, I don't know. My gain though!!

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHERMON
What kind of light do you use????
My lights are pretty basic 2 x 65 watt PCs, nothing fancy. I'm very picky about the corals that I choose, and I also pay close attention to what kind of conditions my possible purchases are in (lighting, temp-have to ask, water condtions-again, have to ask). I'm normally not a nosey or pushy person (far from it), but when it comes to considering putting something in my tank with my other better believe, I get a little forward. Also, I read and research like crazy before I put anything. If something doesn't look like I can handle it, then fine, maybe sometime down the road.
That's just the way I'm handling my tank.
Lisa :happyfish


Thanks for the advice. I've been thinking about MH, but I just bought my PC a couple of months ago. I'd hate to have to buy more $$lights$$. If I can have corals like what's in your pics that would suit me just fine. How long have you had the frogspawn--it's awesome. Also what is the yellow guy??


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHERMON
Thanks for the advice. I've been thinking about MH, but I just bought my PC a couple of months ago. I'd hate to have to buy more $$lights$$. If I can have corals like what's in your pics that would suit me just fine. How long have you had the frogspawn--it's awesome. Also what is the yellow guy??
Actually I just got my frogspawn yesterday (Sunday). I acclimated him for about a half an hour for temp and an hour drip method. Probably over-kill, but I wanted him to feel comfy. I couldn't believe it, within just a half hour to an hour, I could see that he was inflating even more than he was at the LFS. I was really excited about that. Today he's been doing great, and I'm really hoping that my clowns notice how much like an anenome he is...wishful thinking...
The yellow coral in my pics is actually my clowns' host...devil's hand leather. He was quite a bit more challenging to accommodate. Now he's doing beautifully and growing and stretching, but I swear it took him at least 2 months to get to that point...patience, patience, patience is all I can say with this guy. He goes into a dormant-type state for a few days from time to time (he's actually in a growing phase at that time). The last time he did this, it lasted almost 2 weeks. I was this close **holding forefinger and thumb together very, very closely** to thinking I should remove him. It was at that time that I looked, and noticed that he might be coming around again...sure enough...he emerged bigger, more beautiful, and brighter than ever...I'm glad I didn't give up on him.
If you're starting to think about adding corals, research, ask questions, and then research some more. And when you go to buy ask more questions (on this board...prolly not at the LFS, they might just tell you what they think you want to hear...)
Best of luck...
Lisa :happyfish


Lisa-great pics! I love how your tank has come along. I remember when you first started posting and now here you are. Good job!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by Ant
Lisa-great pics! I love how your tank has come along. I remember when you first started posting and now here you are. Good job!!


I knooowww, isn't it crazy??
Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Beatiful pics MonaLisa!! Your tank is really coming together. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Lookin' good Lisa! I LOVE the bright yellow on your leather, now I know why the clowns host it, brightens up their complexion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
Lookin' good Lisa! I LOVE the bright yellow on your leather, now I know why the clowns host it, brightens up their complexion.

Now that you mention it, the clowns do look pretty snappy next to the dh. I had a bit of a scare this week (Wednesday night). After my daylights went off and only the actinics were on, I noticed that the dh and the frogspawn both deflated really quickly, which is unusual. My first thought was to check the temp, and HOLY was above 86 degrees in there!!!
I think my heater went whacko on me for some reason. I've slowly been bringing the temp down, and I now have it at about 80-82 degrees with the daylights on, 78-80 with them off...I'm getting a new heater today.
Anyway, I was sure the dh was going to be wierd for a while again because of that incident, but actually everyone's doing surprisingly great...whew, dodged a bullet on that one.
Thanks for the comments.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
AAAHHHH!!!!! :scared: Yikes, that must have given you a scare. Glad everyone returned to normal quickly after the incident. I posted on the other thread this morning, go check it out if you have second.


Active Member
I just thought that since this was my thread posting my new additions, I would also post this one. My final fish, added probably about 4 months after my last one (I wanted to make sure to get it right).
My new Royal Gramma. His name is Prince William to the commoners, but to those that know and love him, Billie...I think he's just beautiful and is a perfect, PERFECT addition to my little community...
Let me know what you think...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
That is an awesome looking gramma! Great fish, he/she looks very healthy, lo.. When did you get it? Congrats! on the new fish!



Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
That is an awesome looking gramma! Great fish, he/she looks very healthy, lo.. When did you get it? Congrats! on the new fish!

Thanks Shane,
I've been keeping an eye on him at the lfs for a couple of weeks while looking over other things. I was in the shop this past weekend, on Sunday, to purchase a new heater (that's another story), and Billie just caught my eye (again). After grilling the girl at the lfs...she had to actually call someone who knew something about him...I decided that he'd found a home!!!
He's been great, eating great, exploring, getting along with my other little ones. We just love him!! And most importantly, he seems to be very happy here!! :joy:
Lisa :happyfish