New additions to our 92corner...


Ohhh...this is so exciting! We've started adding more to our tank now. It's a 92 corner that had 2 blue-green chromis, cleaner shrimp and bubble-tip anemone moved in from our former 100gallon tank. The rusty angelfish was brought home on 6/7 but I hadn't posted a pic yet. Yesterday, we brought home the maroon clowns and frogspawn. It took the clowns about 5 minutes before they spotted the anemone. The male swam right over and made himself at home, the female was right behind him. I was very happy to see the frogspawn had opened up today as he was placed in the tank during dusk lights and stayed mostly closed up. Our tank is MUCH more exciting and lively now!



Active Member
that looks like my clowns there is quite a differenc in the size and one is gold and one has white stripes
nice looking tank


Originally Posted by seannmelly
nice clowns. are they mated??
They get along great, does that count? I'm guessing they aren't mated. LFS accidentally ordered 14 maroon clowns so they paired them up before they were put into separate tanks. The clowns had been in the store for just over a month or so before we finally picked a pair out. Should I keep a watchful eye for the female to badger the male?


They've been in the tank for just over a week now. They are both hosting the bta, neither is beating on the other one, they're both eating well. So far, so good!