New additions to the tank


Active Member
yes they are very tiny. cant beat it for $8.00 though everything there was $8.00 i cant wait to get my bigger tank so i can buy more.


Active Member
8 bucks?!! d amn!!! i got my hammer for 65 and my pink zoos for 20..... the hammer was much bigger and the zoos were more in numbers....... but im still curious...... i love getting little frags and watching them grow instead of spending the extra arm and leg.
ive never actualy ordered live stuff online.....but maybe someday.


Wow, lovely! I too would like some information about where you got them if you have the time. I am so excited to see all the cool things there are out there!!


Active Member
i sent a couple of e-mails. Also wanted to check on where i should put my hammer or frog spawn. I have the FS on the bottom of the tank in the sand next to a peice of LR and my hammer is in a hole in my LR i wanted to see if that was ok? also anyone think i can move my hammer or Fs up to the top of my tank. I have a 29 gallon with 300 watts of VHO lighting will that be to much light if they are up to the top? I would appricate anyones help.Thank you


Active Member
start them on the bottom because of the move. slowly over a period of a few weeks move them up to where you would like them.


Active Member
ok i will try that thank you. How far are you away from springfield mass? i will be moving up that way in july. want to see what up that way.