new additions...

nm reef

Active Member
...when I decided to replace the old 55 display I had a plan in mind and a goal of adding a few carefully selected SPS type corals by mid July. Well I'm a little ahead of schedule. I have a few sources that I may soon order from and there have been numerous experiencied hobbyists that have offered frags ... and today at my favorite LFS I found several ORA frags. I simply couldn't resist snatching up a couple.
This is a 3" or so green slimer...only the actinics are on...he is adjusting under less light than he'll get tomorrow.

nm reef

Active Member
A coral I have wanted to see in my display for a very long time now...a 2"-3" montipora capricornis...can't tell from the actinic pic but it has a very nice orange/reddish coloration with a lighter rim...finally I have one of my own!!:joy:

nm reef

Active Member
Other recent additions include a small yellow watchman goby...a 2" bi color blenny...a tiger pistol shrimp...a couple of lettuce nudibranch...and a sweet little 3" ORA maxima clam...brillant blu with very nice markings. No pics of the other new additions...yet.


i love getting new sps...make sure you post pics of them in there full glory tomorrow....also i love montipora cap. too

nm reef

Active Member
Nope...been really busy but I may post a couple this evening...both have adjusted real well and I may soon be adding a package of 6-12 additional frags in the near future.