new additions

yellow ace

I have had a saltwater fo tank set up for about a year and a half now. It is a 46-gallon bow-front. The inhabitants are:
1-coral beauty angelfish
2-firefish gobies
4-green chromis
1-cloudy damsel
1-yellowtail damsel
1-ocellaris clown
2-peppermint shrimp
I did not buy any lr at the beginning of my cycle and since I have resently purchased my coral beauty, I know that he needs lots of rockwork...(I know the firefish will enjoy it too). I have decided to buy about 90 lbs. of it, is that the right amount? While I am doing so I want to make other additions to the tank, like a feather duster...etc. (no more fish). I have been also wondering about my protein skimmer. I have been repeatedly adjusting it but it has not had anything in my collection cup. The tests all read fine (ph 8.2, ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppp, nitrate 0ppm). Any thoughts? I am only 12 and I have to finance the tank myself, so in your suggestions please be aware of my budget. Thanks!


Active Member
90 for a 46
ummmm no id stay with about 46-50 lbs
usually they say to be about the same as your gallons
i have a beauty and its been doing great, good luck with the fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by dougai
90 for a 46
ummmm no id stay with about 46-50 lbs
usually they say to be about the same as your gallons
i have a beauty and its been doing great, good luck with the fish
Actually they say 1-2 lbs. per gallon! When you do get it since your tank is set up, you will have to cure it outside the maintank like in a rubbermaid container.


2 pounds per gallon of lr is probably the best filtration you are going to get. That and a skimmer. Go ahead and get the 90 pounds. It''s worth it. Man you must have had to mow some lawns to be able to buy 90 pounds of lr!!! I would know, I'm 13 right now. We have a lawn that is like 2 acres. GRRRRRR.. :mad:

yellow ace

Originally Posted by hot883
Actually they say 1-2 lbs. per gallon! When you do get it since your tank is set up, you will have to cure it outside the maintank like in a rubbermaid container.
ok, should I still cure it if I buy "cured" or should I cure it no matter what, just like a quarintine tank? lol, yeah, I do do ALOT of yeard work!! But it is TOTALLY worth it for my precious fish!!

yellow ace

yeah, ok, thanks! Oh, one more ?, Does "cured" rock still have all the little things living in it? (brittle worms?, feather dusters (small ones), and coraline algea)
I don't have a real clean-up crew yet, what snails etc. would you reccomend?


yes, "cured" just means that there's nothing dying on it anymore, so it should still contain all of those great things.
I love my nassarius snails (although i never see them). They burry themselves in the sand, and therefore are "sand-sifting snails" I also have turbo snails and some hermies which keep my rockwork clean. Be aware that turbos can't flip themselves over if they get knocked upside-down... they'll just lay there and die...