NEW ADDITIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Everyone I just got a great colony of healthy pulsing xenia. And an awesomoe little cleaner shrimp. When I put the shrimp in he walked upside down on the water surface. It was crazy.
Anyways anyone give me some extra info on xenias (how to keep them pulsing strong and what kind of additives and food to give them.)
Thanks everyone


Active Member
They require consistent water quality. Also calcium and iodide/iodine are neccessary. I'm unsure of whether it's iodide or iodine as my Iodide bottle says that iodine is toxic, yet I've seen bottle of Iodine for sale in various LFS. So, not of much help.


good current! They thrive the best when they sway in the current, almost so hard as not to be able to actually see them pulsing. However, I like to watch mine pulse so I keep them in a little less current. Iodine supplements are key to keep them pulsing.


small water changes seem to perk mine up a bit. and current. also, some supplemental feeding of microvert or a similar formula every now and then is a good idea imo. xenias are great. mine are growing and spreading fast. hth.