New Additions


Just picked up 5 Mexican snails, 2 Rainsford Gobies, 1 Six line wrasse and 1 Sea Rabbit(atleast thats what it was called at LFS. Went there for the six line and gobies, the rest were impulse buys. Any info on the Sea Rabbit would be greatly appreciated
Sea Rabbit


Active Member
sea rabbits or sea Hares as they are often called are just abalones. greatlittle algae eaters.
btw, thats a great pic of the rainfordi goby. i recently picked one up for my reef and the littel guy is doing fantastic!
good luck

sea goblin

I think what you have is a sea hare, hare = rabit though i guess. any way here is some info on them
The body of the Sea Hare is a combination of speckles and patterns. The location of its rhinophores (motion sensors) and its oral tentacles make it look a bit like a rabbit, hence its common name.
If it becomes startled, it may release a purple dye to repel attacking fish. In the home aquarium, the Sea Hare will need a good chemical filter system to quickly remove this toxic dye before it causes problems.
In the wild, it is usually found in shallow areas of seagrasses and coral rubble, preferring the shaded areas. Cover from the lights in the aquarium should be provided. It requires a large area in which to move. It prefers an aquarium with live rock and open sandy areas so that it can graze on algae, eating any Caulerpa in the tank. It is sensitive to high levels of copper-based medications and will not tolerate bad water conditions (high nitrates).
If regular feedings of Caulerpa are not possible, it will need a supplemented diet of parboiled lettuce and dried kelp. HTH
Sea Goblin


thanks for the compliment. What did you pay for yours. Mine were 10.00 a piece. I thought that was a great price but then I have only seen them at one LFS.
WOW. Thank you very much, that is exactly what I was looking for.


Active Member
wow fusd 10 bucks a peice, that is a very good deal. i got them wholesale from the shop i work at and it was like 8 bucks wholesale, so either your lfs is gettin in some cheap gobies, or you are gettin one helluva deal!
good luck
p.s. the last order we got them in on i think they were like 23 bucks a piece at cost!


he usually does give me good prices but like I said, I had nothing else to compare with as far as the Gobies went.
My prices today were as follows:
Mexican snails 5 at $2.00 each
Gobies 2 at $10.00 each
Six line was $10.00
Sea hare was $8.00
with tax, everything was a bit over $50.00 but he gave it to me for 50 even.


Active Member
man you are gettin some smokin deals then. very nice job!
good luck
p.s. so did you figure that that is a sea hare that ya go there?
if so whats up doc?


Yes it definatley is a sea hare. Did more research on it. They can get up to a foot long in the aquarium.
always loved the rainsford goby, one of my favorite gobies. quick question, can I put a rainsford goby in a 10 gal.
sorry for going OT, I just really like it, my friend has one and its so cool