That "monster"is only about 3 1/2", and so far has by far the most personality demonstrated in one of the non-lion scorpaenids.....when we approach the 125 gal. tank he currently resides in (with six small lions and 2 other scorpions), he immediately rushes to the glass and literally stares at you.
As to feeding, he eats anything, alive or dead (we live on the Gulf coast of Florida and thus have the advantage of ready live food, both feeder fish and ghost shrimp at all times)...when first introduced, he fed on a piece of shrimp held in long-nosed tweezers within 1 hour.
As to ID, Scott Michael's "Reef Fishes", vol 1 has what appears to be this species, with good information that conforms to his behavior that was still scientifically undescribed as of the time of the books printing.
Our LFS, by the way, recieved this specimen from Vietnam, accidently mixed in with a batch of dwarf lionfish.
Oh...and if live feeders are introduced, it's called an all out feeding frenzy. With cut shrimp and fish, it's much more sedate.
Our biggest problem with the family so far is that they don't grow, but rather seem to explode in size (what a problem, eh?)
As to venemous preds, I'm one of those with a hand in the tank 10-20 times per day, and once you realize those "
" are defensive, not attack oriented, the whole perspective changes....whenever one approaches too close, I merely bently rub it's side with a finger and it swims slowly away.
While I've been working with SW fish since 1969, this is still Bett's first decade, and the "pride of lions" is due to her fascination with them.....plans are currently underway to convert our 300 gal. tank to their new group home.