New additions

I have had these guys for a few days and finally got around to taking a couple of pictures of them.
The first is a golden dog face puffer. He eats like a horse and is not afraid to steal food from any of the triggers. He is about 4" long. I like him alot, ton of personality. :)

The second I added to my scorpidae tank, an orange toad fish. He is pretty much a do nothing fish, but it is kind of fun to stop and look at the tank tring to find where he and the wasp fish are hiding. Eats frozen, seems like every thing except krill. He will gorge him self on shrimp. Though come right down to it, he is so ugly he's cute :p sorry for the bad pic, need to get a new camera.

Just thought I'd share.


nice puffer and toad. i love puffers. how much did you get your golden for? they have 1 at my lfs but it is $300
AC - They are also called leaf scorpion fish. Mine is slowly getting over to mysis and even a few silver sides, But they have to be moving for him even to consider them. It is very cool to watch him hunt. He starts to sway in the current like a piece of seaweed then slowly moves toward his food, once he is close enough he just snaps it up. I have to get a more surrent pic, this ones is a little old.

and here is a face shot.