New Aggressive Tank - any stock ideas


New Member
alright i have a 100 gallon tank with a Powder Brown Tang, Achilles tang, a Naso tang and a Native Clown Pair. all cept the Naso tang are fairly agressive and get worse during feeding but who isnt
.... anybody have any stock ideas of anything that would be able to hold its own against these devil fish?


Active Member
I'd say with those fish, you're already good....adding anything else will just be overstocking.
The Naso and the Achilles will both outgrow that 100gal. tank.


New Member
true but it should take some years theyre only 2 inches now in the adolesent stage and in about a year or so im getting my custom made 1000gal tank. im just waiting for it now.... then theyre going to that so im just getting stock ideas


Active Member
I wouldn't get anything else . BECAUSE before you know it your fish will have out grown the tank and You'll still be working on getting the bigger tank up and running.


You already know that the achilles and naso will eventually outgrow your tank so I'm sure you'll make arrangements like you said. So as far as fish right now, a snowflake or ribbon eel would be good (depending on the size of your clowns). You could try a bluethroat trigger. Hmmm, I wouldn't go with another tang. A harlequin tusk or foxface would be cool. It really depends upon how much $$ you are going to spend and what color you want to add...
Your fish are actually pretty much community fish for saltwater. There are many options.


New Member
hey thanks ..... well i have an unlimited spending amount on my range of prices so that doesnt matter...


What color do you want? I love these guys but they are pretty hard to find and expensive.


Garibaldi damsel... can find them online. They get pretty large for a damsel and of course they will get aggressive. But they tend to not get beat up and will live through almost anything.
Also, that's an adult. Juvi's have blue spots all over them.


Active Member
Whats the adult size on that beauty ? Whats the recomended tank size ?
Speaking of damsels ..... I was watching the 10 deadliest sharks on the discovery chanel and right in the middle of a shot of a bull shark this huge domino goes swiming by it was funny . We had to rewind and see it again.


Originally Posted by mitzel
Whats the adult size on that beauty ? Whats the recomended tank size ?
The book I've got says it gets to 36 cm but I think that's a little optimistic. I think a 125 or above should be ok in the long run. But damsels are so hardy, the thing could probably live in 50 gallons... and may kill anything else in there.