New Agressive Set-up


New Member
I would like to have everyones opinion on this new set-up.. I am having a 300Gal(96lx30wx24h) built as we speak and I am having my LFS get some fish in-line for me when the tank it ready.. I am looking to do 2 small Leopard sharks with a Hawiian Dragon Moray, Sohal Tang and Conspiculatous Angel. I have a new home for the sharks to go when they get to large so I am not worried about that but what do you think of this combo. I would love to do one other fish such as a Puffer, Trigger or Lionfish but I do not want to overstock the tank and I am not sure on the compatibiltiy of these guys with the Few I will have in the tank. What do you all think?


Well tom the Hawiian Dragon Moray are extremly agressive and there bodys are brown I think there heads are the olny colorful part of there body I hear. Also one time my friend told me about his LFS guy who had scares from one attacking him. They may eat about everything else in the tank and dont exactly ship well at $2000.00 thats a big risk. I wouldn't add anything else to that fish list its plenty! I would recommend olny 1 leapord shark so you can see it grow up ot a larger size.


Active Member
I think you should buy some good marine fishkeeping books, and do some research. Are you sure the leopard sharks will be taken in? Most people say this, but others don;t want a huge shark. Leopards also are very active swimmers, so IMO a 300 for even a hatchling isn't suffecient. As for another fish, the tank is already overstocked. The Hawaiin dragon eel will not accept any other fish in its tank. Triggers and puffers will chew a shark up. Also, I'm not sure how the other inhabitants of the tank will react to a chiller since they are tropical species. Please, save yourself a lot of heatache, get a few good marine books, and choose some suitable species for that tank. Bo


New Member
Grouper thanks for the advice but I have had Saltwater tanks for over 10years now and I do understand the fish and there compatability. I have had a Hawiian Dragon before and they are far from extremely aggressive as people say. I do understand that every fish has its owm personality and some can be more aggressive then others. As for the leopard Shark yes I am positive on that I have a place for him to go. My LFS is owned by my best friend so we have the resources to move him to wherever need be..
I understand the triggers being agressive and also the puffers but I love both of these fish adn would love to have one in the tank. I was just asking if anyone has had any luck with keeping these with the fish I have selected. Those fish are the last things that I would put in if I did but I was seriously leaning away from them..


That tank will easily fit 2 leopards for a few years (IMO and in my experience).... Dont put any damsels in or they will peck at the leopards fins... check out my Leopard Sharks... (click on the link below)
How much did you buy them for?


Active Member
Sorry for jumping a gun on you being a newbie. IMO two leopards in the 300 is the max it can hold. Most will not agree with this, but they are very active swimmers, and need the room. Bo


New Member
No prob. Grouper.. I was no offended or anything.. I just wanted everyones opinion and you gave me yours. I don't look into things like that so I never thought you were flaming me or anything.
I got the Two Leopards for $100 each. They are still at the shop for until this tank is ready and also to make sure they are healthy. They are both about 8in long.. Smallest ones I have seen in years.. The Hawiian Dragon eel and The Conspiculatous Angel <a href="" target="_blank"></A> are really the Two Price fish. They are both also at the Shop waiting for me. I got the Eel for $700 and the angel was just under $1000. Those Two were both wholesale cost. Alot of money yet but definelty cheaper then what they would go for. The eel has been at the shop for almost 2months and doing great. He is about 14" long. The Angel they just got in a week ago and has just started eating so I am crossing my fingers for him.. He is about 6" and his coloring is unbelievable..


Sound like a pretty cool setup. The leopards should be fine in there for a while. Good luck.


Hey Reef-er, there's always alot of opinions here, but from my experience I think you would be fine. I had a aquarium a little smaller that that and I had Leopard sharks, Porcupine puffer and a couple of Triggers. They did great together, they never even came close to picking on each other. They all should be fine for about 2 or 3 years and then you may have to look for some new housing for them. But in the mean time I say go for it and enjoy them!!!!


New Member
Baron: I agree with the posibility of overkill with the 2 leopard sharks.. They two together will be short lived because of the size of the tank but I like the idea of having the two swimming around the tank.. It might sound foolish but its how I look at it.
I decided to go with the Conspiculatus Angel mainly because of the rarety of it and I love the coloring. Looks kinda like an abstract painting to me. I was thinking of going with a Chrysurus angel or possibly a Clarion but the Clarion was not available and the price was higher and the Chrysurus Angels that I have seen over that last month were not in great shape. I have had a Goldflake in the past and loved the coloring but I had no luck with him and left a bad experience in my mind so I strayed away from them.
Thanks again for the input everyone..